Arbejde Scientist for Downstream Manufacturing unspecified CMC BIOLOGICS A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg2NDY5MCA3

reference: 4864690

documentId: 4864690

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1534329490653

stillingsbetegnelse: Scientist for Downstream Manufacturing


Join a dynamic and international company where everyone is responsible for delivering right on time as one team!

Would you like to work at our multiproduct facilities in Copenhagen, with state-of-the-art equipment and the newest downstream technologies? Do you strive working in a global-, dynamic- and high-pace environment - then this vacant position is definitely an interesting opening for you!

AGC Biologics is an international and modern organization with production sites in Europe, Japan and US. AGC Biologics is the largest contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) in the world and currently AGC Biologics, employee’s more than 800 people worldwide where 320 are situated in Denmark close to Copenhagen. AGC Biologics delivers biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing of Drug Bulk Intermediates/Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients for both clinical studies as well as for the global market.

The position
The manufacturing department for within the open position is situated consists of an upstream team and a downstream team. As a scientist within the downstream team you plan and perform protein purification steps in the manufacturing process. Chromatography, virus removal steps and final formulation of the product with dia-filtration are examples of unit operations in the process. This to a high extent using state of the art single use equipment. Your responsibility will include support to daily production and associated processes like writing batch documentation, preparing for manufacturing, processing and maintenance of equipment. Together with the team you will be responsible for the delivering of final formulated product, and to secure a high quality batch documentation in close collaboration with QC/QA. The position is a one year maternity cover.

Experience and competencies 
The candidate we are looking for has:
• A master degree within science e.g. chemical engineer,
• Experience with protein purification processes, especially of clinical grade material   
• Experience from working according to cGMP
• Experience from working with Unicorn and Äkta purification systems
• Fluency in English, written and verbal 
• Lean oriented

As a person, you have a positive mind, have flexibility and a desire to take on new tasks and responsibilities. You strive in a dynamic environment where sudden changes may occur so it is important that you can cope with such uncertainties. You need to be a good team player with good communication skills.

In summary
At AGC Biologics, you will get a unique opportunity working with a variety of different state of the art technologies among +40 different nationalities. This opens many doors for personal development and for you to make a real difference towards both patience, customers and own development. AGC offers an informal and humorous working environment that is characterized by the fact that we think it is fun to go to work. We respect each other and our differences. AGC employees are flexible and take pride in working together to achieve goals - as one team.

For further information please contact Peter Johansson, Manager Manufacturing, phone +45 22 69 94 73.

We will process the applications as they arrive. Therefore, please submit your application and CV as soon as possible and no later than August 31st, 2018.

numberOfPosts: 1


Send ansøgning på en af de angivne kommunikationskanaler

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: CMC BIOLOGICS A/S

source: DK-STAR


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