Arbejde Rig Manager Trainee Hovedstaden A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S (Maersk Drilling) - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: Rig Manager Trainee

Lyngby Local Operations Ref.: MD-058048 Are you ready for the next step in your career? And are you looking to embark on a new journey full of challenges, training and career opportunities? We are currently looking for Trainees to join our fast track Rig Manager Development Programme. We Offer Maersk Drilling's Rig Manager Development Programme educates competitive professionals, who welcome major responsibility and the opportunity to build a career in a fast-paced global environment. The programme is a gateway to a challenging international onshore career as Rig Manager, and you will have excellent opportunities to quickly advance to high-level positions in our offices worldwide. We pride ourselves on being able to provide opportunities for future advancement and personal development. By joining Maersk Drilling, an integrated part of the A.P. Moller – Maersk Group, you should be prepared for a career that can lead you anywhere. Key Responsibilities The Rig Manager is responsible for the daily operation of a drilling rig and maintains close operational dialogue with oil company representatives, subcontractors and authorities. As Rig Manager your objectives will be to: • Manage the overall operation of one of our drilling rigs. • Continuously develop the crew on board. • Maintain the health and safety environment and address on-site specific challenges. • Supervise maintenance, logistics and procurement processes. The programme combines theory and on-the-job training. You will get under the skin of all aspects of rig operation and get a broad exposure to the challenges and responsibilities as Rig Manager. As part of the programmme and depending on your background you may start out with a period of 12-16 months working offshore on rotation in order to obtain relevant offshore experience. You will then work onshore for three periods of 6-8 months at different shorebases. Here you will be working directly under supervision of an experienced Rig Manager. Who we are looking for Most likely, you are a graduated engineer with a couple of years of experience from the industry including skills within people management, - or you may have an offshore background as a Marine/Maintenance Engineer, Assistant Driller or Driller with at least two years offshore experience. You have strong leadership skills and have been a leader of larger projects. Offshore experience is an advantage. You are a strong self-starter with drive, initiative, result-orientation and commitment to excellence. You welcome a global work life, primarily achieving your results abroad, and thrive in our international environment of major career opportunities. Multi-cultural teamwork and personnel responsibilities demanding a high level of English proficiency as well as extensive interpersonal and communication skills. Naturally, you must also be willing to travel and live abroad. For an introduction to the Rig Manager Development Programme please see our website. For further information, please contact: Carolin Nielsen on +45 3363 3589. Maersk Drilling is a core business unit within the A. P. Moller - Maersk Group, and we are aiming to double our size within the next 5 years. We design, develop and operate a global fleet of advanced drilling rigs using cutting edge technology and know-how. We create value with our customers through a unique service delivery concept where we customize safe, efficient and consistent drilling services. We build our service around our highly skilled and committed work force, our state of the art offshore drilling rigs and our 40 years of experience operating in the most challenging environments. By joining us, you should be prepared for a career that can lead you anywhere.

Arbejdsgiver Navn: A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S (Maersk Drilling)

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: +45 3363 3363

Job kort beskrivelse: Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion

land: Danmark

region: Hovedstaden

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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