Arbejde Quality & Auto Test Manager for Defence unspecified SYSTEMATIC A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg1NTMwMCA3

reference: 4855300

documentId: 4855300

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1541410929126

stillingsbetegnelse: Quality & Auto Test Manager for Defence


Do you have the drive to put quality and test automation on the agenda within our Defence business unit? And are you motivated to be the manager of a newly formed team? If so, we have just the job for you.

Become our first manager of quality and auto test As a Quality and Auto Test Manager, you will play a central role in the ongoing delivery optimization when we deliver Defence solutions for our customers worldwide. You join a journey in which quality and test automation undergo a significant change in our organisation. Both externally towards our customers and internally when it comes to processes, deliveries, structure and mindset. The Defence business unit supplies customers with reliable and user-friendly IT solutions within Command & Control, Military Messaging, and Electronic Warfare to make a difference for soldiers in the field. You will become the manager of the newly formed quality and auto test team, which is in charge of all activities related to management, development and implementation of auto test across our products within Defence. You manage and develop the team of 10 dedicated people who are located in both Denmark and Romania.

In cooperation with the team, your tasks will additionally include:

  • Implementing the new quality agenda towards all customer related processes and deliveries with a special focus on quality mindset and quality behavior
  • Being responsible for all customer related test activities including all strategies, frameworks, and processes
  • Negotiating and engaging in dialogues with customers worldwide in order to implement strategies
  • Being responsible for the test automation agenda both internally and externally, including developing the strategic framework, choice of technologies, defining roles and responsibilities
  • Designing new processes and alterations to existing processes
  • Running a 3rd line service desk to support customers and sales teams with enquiries and claims

Your job will include 20-30 days of travelling, due to work across borders with colleagues in Denmark and Romania.

Make a difference in a global software company You will be part of a highly professional environment within our Defence unit, which is expanding rapidly as our largest business unit. Additionally, you will gain experience as a people manager for your team and will have responsibility for the fact that they thrive in their daily work. At Systematic, our emphasis is on making everything better, which means we have a passion for developing the best solutions for our customers. This is why we work with CMMI and the very best elements of Scrum, Lean and ITIL. We challenge each other, our work processes, and our technologies so that we are always at the forefront of development. We work with agility and deliver on time. You will face a challenging workday in which close cooperation is paramount in ensuring that we make a difference to the world we live in.

Experienced and solution-oriented manager We imagine that you have a technical background such as a master level within software. You have experience from a similar position within the field of software quality management and you are experienced as a people manager. Preferably you have a technical back ground as an engineer or similar.

Additionally, you will stand out because you:

  • Know how to execute strategies through action taking, seizing opportunities and pursuing goals
  • Have a can-do attitude and have need for execution
  • Hold an open mindset and is motivated by getting the most out of limited resources 
  • Focus on solutions and are capable of having a lot on your plate without loosing focus
  • Have a structured approach and know how to organise tasks and produce output
  • Convey self-confidence and lead the way to solve tasks, and showing composure.

Finally, your written and spoken English skills are at an advanced level.

We work with security-classified projects, and therefore, you as an employee at Systematic need to have security clearance. Read more here:

Have we not answered all of your questions?You are welcome to contact Tau Steffensen from AIMS International Denmark, who is our external consultant regarding this position. Tau Steffensen is reachable on + 45 2255 9640 or on ts (at) Place of work is Aarhus. Apply for the job by sending an e-mail to ts (at) We look forward to hearing from you.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: SYSTEMATIC A/S

source: DK-STAR


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