Arbejde Project Manager with Data Lake and BI Experience in Greater Copenhagen unspecified Worksome ApS - jobtilbud

id: NDk5OTg5MiA3

reference: 4999892

documentId: 4999892

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1559651424150

Project Manager with Data Lake and BI Experience in Greater Copenhagen


Note: Dette er et freelancejob på Worksome - Danmarks største platform for professionelle konsulenter og freelancere. Se mere om virksomheden og stillingen og ansøg via Worksome her:


We are looking for an experienced Project Manager for a large company who is about to run 2 different projects to run under the same Project Manager - at least for a start. The two projects are connected both regarding IT organizations and system landscape.

Project 1: Maturing internal Data Lake
During the past year, the company has designed and developed a Data Lake. Now it is time to develop functionalities that the business requests and not just items from a technical perspective.

The project must make sure to get the business involved and get a pipeline from them underway. There must be an alignment regarding what is requested and prioritized and what is being built. There is an IT team today working in a scrum like manner and the business part needs to be worked into the setup in order to secure the alignment between the parties. But also to get the team of IT and Business to work as one.

The Project Manager must be able to tap into the agile working style of the existing IT team (Scrum) and get the business to work closely with IT to ensure the alignment. The Project Manager must be very oriented towards stakeholders in the business to get them to buy in on the pipeline.

Project 2: BI strategy.
The BI area has, for a long time, built on top of the existing platforms and is now getting into a situation where a new strategy must be created. The project must get this new strategy in place and secure a plan on how to get from A to B. The Project must ensure fit/gap analysis and must use POC’s to verify where to go. The new BI design and systems must be the solid foundation for work in the Agile Release Trains (SAFE framework) in the company. The project must install an agile way of working making sure to get incremental progress on the work.

Later on, the company might bring in internal Project Managers to take over the work of one, or both projects – but not necessarily at the same time.

· Should be strong within strategy processes and should have management consultant skills in this area.
· Must be strong in implementing agile ways of working teaching people how to and see the benefit of it.
· Must be strong in getting business and IT aligned and making sure that priorities are agreed.
· Strong in Basic project management skills. (Planning, risk, Budget control, etc.)
· Should be very structured
· Be clear and to the point, communication tailored to target audience
· Be influencing and convincing.
· Should stand firm and speak up.





Note: Dette er et freelancejob på Worksome - Danmarks største platform for professionelle konsulenter og freelancere. Se mere om virksomheden og stillingen og ansøg via Worksome her:

numberOfPosts: 1


Send ansøgning på en af de angivne kommunikationskanaler

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Worksome ApS

source: DK-STAR


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