Arbejde Product Strategist unspecified SITECORE CORPORATION A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg5Mzc2MyA3

reference: 4893763

documentId: 4893763

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1539857884806

stillingsbetegnelse: Product Strategist


Sitecore is the global leader in experience management software that combines content management, commerce, and customer insights. The Sitecore Experience CloudTM empowers marketers to deliver personalized content in real time and at scale across every channel—before, during, and after a sale. More than 5,200 brands––including American Express, Carnival Cruise Lines, Dow Chemical, and L’Oréal––have trusted Sitecore to deliver the personalized interactions that delight audiences, build loyalty, and drive revenue.

Sitecore is experiencing spectacular growth all over the world.  To build on Sitecore’s success and growth, we’re looking for a skilled Product Strategist to work as part of our Product Development team. 

Position Summary:

Are you a seasoned software product manageror product expert, tech savvy and with deep business analysis and strategy formulation skills? Will you thrive in a very ambitious company that is already an undisputed global leader in Web Content Management and aggressively pursuing a leadership position in the eCommercespace? And can you connect the dots between market requirements and software developmentstrategy? Then look no further. We have the job for you. We are looking for a Product Strategist for our team. 

The role can be based in one of the Sitecore offices in the following locations: Copenhagen,Amsterdam, London, Manchester NH or Ottawa. 

About the job

As a Senior Product Strategist, you will be working closely with customers, partners, and senior leadership todevelopthe strategy for the future ofthe Sitecore Experience Platform and Sitecore Experience Commerce. You conduct strategic market research and provide recommendations for where and how to invest across the portfolioincollaboration with market specialists, technical and feature product managers. You identify and analyze build, buy or partner opportunities. And you engage in communicating the business value and rationale of the Sitecore Experience Platform ensuring a clearly communicated link between the released product and the overall vision. 


  • Collect and process input from internal and external stakeholders through our idea management process to build our overall product strategy.
  • Create and continuously refine customer scenarios in collaboration with Feature Product Managers and Technical Product Managers.
  • Support and inspire Feature Product Managers and Technical Product Managers when developing product line specific strategy. 
  • Conduct frequent dialogue with customers, partners and potential buy/partner options to better understand market. 
  • Assess product-focused research intoourmarket, competitors and ecosystem.
  • Drive build/buy/partner recommendations in relation to delivering specific scenarios.
  • Collaborate closely with Product Marketing and Marketing to create compelling communication internally and externally on the Portfolio Strategy and what the product can and will do.
  • Conduct regular dialogue with senior leadership to refine our understanding our vision and the future focus of the company.
  • Be the Product Management team representative with internal and external stakeholders such as Analyst Relations, the Customer Leadership Board and Partner Advisory Council.


Your qualifications

  • At least 7+ years’ experience in software product management related roles
  • 5 year degree in business or technology 
  • Experience with agile software development processes, requirements management and project management
  • Excellent analytical abilities, organization and project/process management skills
  • Great at getting heard and stuff done in complex, international organizations 
  • Demonstrate high degree of initiative and self-motivation
  • Comfortable meeting customers and partners in a global, multicultural context 
  • Strong interpersonal skills; the ability to work collaboratively with a wide range of individuals at all levels of the organization 
  • Effective formal presentation and facilitation skills in a variety of settings
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills in English

It will be an advantage if you have had experience with any of the following:

  • Domain knowledge from enterprise level web software industry
  • Documented experience in software portfolio level investment analysis
  • Digital marketingor eCommerce software experience from a brand, ecommerce or agency perspective

Sitecore is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace. We are committed to equal employment opportunity without unlawful regard to race, color, ancestry, religion, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, veteran status or any other local legally protected characteristic.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime


source: DK-STAR


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