Arbejde Project Manager, Bridges unspecified RAMBØLL DANMARK A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4936017
documentId: 4936017
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1548421688853
stillingsbetegnelse: Project Manager, Bridges
We invite you to bring your experience within design and management of bridge engineering projects into play as you contribute to exciting processes in bridge projects across all stages, from planning through to construction. To succeed in this role you must have a structural engineering background and experience within project management. Are you our new Project Manager, Bridges? Click the apply-button to send your application.
Inviting bright minds
Do you want to push the boundaries of your profession and develop your excellence in an open, collaborative and empowering culture? We work to create a sustainable future and our inspiring projects and innovative solutions aim to set the standard among our peers. You will join a global company that has been growing successfully since its founding in 1945. Together, we lead and leave a positive impact on societies, companies and people around the world.
You will join our Bridge department
As our new Project Manager, you will be part of Ramboll’s Transport division in Denmark. The Bridge department has earlier mainly worked on the Danish market but is now also actively pursuing opportunities outside Denmark. We are currently delivering projects in Scandinavia and in central and southern Europe. The department mainly focus on new railway, road and footbridges but also have significant experience within movable bridges. We are furthermore on a national level involved in loads on and safety of structures and implementation of bridge specific Eurocodes.
Your key tasks and responsibilities will be:
- Key role in executing the design work within a project team for new bridges
- Further strengthen our ability to deliver projects being compliant, timely, correct and of cause on budget
- Coordination with disciplines outside of our department, such as geotechnical designers, road designers, MEP designers, etc.
- Important player in sales activities and tender projects. Creativity and adaptive mindset is essential
- To take an active role in the development of the department, as well as the international growth of the department
Your starting point for constant growth
From the moment you join Ramboll, we will support your personal and professional development so that you grow with the company. For this role, we believe your starting point is:
- Structural engineering background
- 10 to 15 years’ experience in various phases of bridge design
- Min. 5 years’ experience within project management
- Process-oriented and able to focus on the customer
- Possess deep knowledge of the design process when working with Vejdirektoratet and Banedanmark
- Strong communication skills, experience in leading design teams, inspiring others and making sure your team works as a functioning unit
- Fluent in English, spoken as well as written since many of your possible future colleagues only speak English. It will be an advantage if you speak one of the Nordic languages.
Personal qualities that will help you succeed in this role include: Being a dedicated team player. You are willing to take initiative to develop our business in terms of improving internal processes, tools and delivery model as well as participating in sales activities and extending our customer base. Additionally, you have an outgoing personality and you thrive on cooperation in a dynamic environment
Welcome to our Transport division
Ramboll is a global transportation consultancy and we work on some of the biggest and most innovative infrastructure projects in the world. We are close to 3,000 bright minds working within Transport worldwide, creating practical, sustainable and economic solutions for national transport authorities, private contractors and municipalities alike.
Ramboll in Denmark
Ramboll is the leading engineering, design and consultancy company in Denmark and has more than 3,500 experts working across 13 offices applying their passion to deliver innovative solutions in markets as diverse as Buildings, Transport, Planning and Urban Design, Water, Environment and Health, Energy and Management Consulting. We invite you to contribute to a sustainable future working in an open, collaborative and empowering culture.
How to apply
Apply online. Attach your CV, cover letter and relevant documents showcasing why you are the right fit for the role, and when you are available to start. We look forward to receiving your application.
Deadline: 09-02-2019.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: RAMBØLL DANMARK A/S
source: DK-STAR
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