Arbejde Project Director Offshore within Business Area Wind unspecified Vattenfall A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4937977
documentId: 4937977
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1548848889400
Project Director Offshore within Business Area Wind
Vattenfall is one of Europe’s largest electricity generators and producer of heat and operates in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK. Our strategy is to reduce emissions from power generation with a road map to achieving climate neutrality by 2050.
Vattenfall is now looking for the right person to fill the position as Project Director Offshore reporting to the Director of Project Delivery Offshore in BA Wind.
The Project Delivery Offshore department is responsible for delivering our offshore wind projects from start of procurement until hand-over to operations. We focus on delivering our projects safely, in time, budget and quality.
As Project Director Offshore you have the following key responsibilities:
- Manage offshore wind projects with full accountability from obtaining award / consent until project completion and hand-over to operations
- Lead and motivate an interdisciplinary project team of 50+ team members
- Ensure health and safety as our highest priority in project execution
- Provide project management to highest industry standards to deliver projects safely in time, budget and quality
- Provide reporting to the project sponsor and BU management which gives an accurate status of the project in terms of safety, budget, schedule, quality and risk profile
- Communicate to project stakeholders in a proactive and open way
- Collaborate closely with the line departments to ensure highest quality of the delivery
- Collaborate closely with other offshore projects to secure transfer of lessons learned to and from the project
- Contribute to the continuous improvement in Project Delivery Offshore
What we are looking for:
- You have a university degree (or equal) with a minimum of 10 years relevant work experience, out of which 5 years as a project director of wind projects
- You are a highly motivated and communicative leader who is able to focus on both people and business
- You are proven skilled in dealing with strategic, highly complex issues, problems and challenges
- Health and safety leadership is a natural priority for you
- You have project management training (preferably one of the market leading project management certificates)
- Your command of English is strong, both verbally and written
The location of this position is flexible, preferably in London, Amsterdam, Hamburg or Kolding. Depending on the location of upcoming projects, a large extent of business travel can be required.
Our offer
Good remuneration, a challenging and international work environment, and the possibility to work with some of the best in the field. You will be working in interdisciplinary teams and you can always count on support from committed colleagues. We offer attractive employment conditions and opportunities for personal and professional development.
More information
For more information about the position you are welcome to contact Director of Project Delivery Offshore Felix Würtenberger, +49 40 27182003. For more information about the recruitment process you are welcome to contact Vanessa Koop, Recruitment, phone +49 40 79022 7786.
We welcome your application in English, including CV and cover letter via the application button at this page. Please send in your application as soon as possible and do not wait until the last day. Applications will be handled continuously throughout the application period. Last day to apply is 17th of February.
Our organisation
Energy is our contribution to quality of life – day after day. With around 20,000 colleagues Vattenfall provides comprehensive electricity and heating offerings to several million customers in northern Europe. For the work ahead we need people who are fully dedicated to our customers and to a sustainable society – people like you.
Business Area Wind is responsible for Vattenfall’s Onshore and Offshore Wind as well as other non-hydro Renewable activities like solar PV and batteries. Today we develop, construct and operate wind generation in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK. In addition, we have a clear strategy to develop our solar PV and battery operations further.
At Vattenfall we are convinced that diversity contributes to build a more profitable and attractive company and we strive to be good role model regarding diversity. Vattenfall works actively for all employees to have the same opportunities and rights regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, transgender identity or expression, religion or other belief, disability or sexual orientation.
We look forward to your application!
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Vattenfall A/S
source: DK-STAR
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