Arbejde Procurement Expert Syddanmark DANFOSS A/S - jobtilbud
Do you want to help find and lead optimal spending solutions for 1 billion Euros? And are you able to secure buy-in from stakeholders in Change Processes? Then Danfoss has an outstanding career opportunity to offer you. We are now expanding our team and looking for an expert to help drive the process and build up the right Procurement and Supply Chain capabilities in the organisation. You will be part of the Danfoss Business System – a global initiative, defining and spreading “best practices” throughout the value chain in all Danfoss divisions. Facilitate change management projects internationally As a Procurement Expert, your primary responsibility will be to facilitate change management projects by using and implementing best practice procurement tools and processes within the Danfoss group. You will act as a consultant and together with our procurement organisation you will obtain tangible results in terms of optimising “Total Cost”, improving cash flow and securing an efficient supply chain. It will be your responsibility to drive optimisation projects and have cross functional participation from Procurement, Operations, and Product Development. The job entails considerable travelling to our different locations, primarily in Europe. Solid procurement experience and strong drive for achieving impact To succeed as Procurement Expert we expect you to have solid experience within Procurement or Supply Chain, for instance as a Category Manager or Procurement Manager in a large or medium-sized company. You hold a master’s degree in Business, Procurement, Supply Chain, or equivalent, have excellent communication skills, and are fluent in English (orally and in writing). As a person you have a high level of ambition and a strong drive for achieving impact and can connect with people at all levels. You are comfortable in coaching others and possess strong analytical and Project Management skills. Previous experience in driving cross functional optimisation projects is an advantage, as is international work experience. Outstanding career opportunity in a key strategic role for Danfoss We offer a challenging position where you have the opportunity to increase your experience utilising “best practice” Procurement strategies on Goods, Services, and inbound Supply Chain. You will become part of an inspiring working and learning environment with deeply committed and motivated colleagues. We will give you an opportunity to further develop yourself and advance your career. For further information about the position, please contact Head of DBS Supply Chain Lars Mastrup at +45 5156 1601. Apply for the position using the link below. We expect to conduct interviews at the end of September 2014.
Arbejdsgiver Navn: DANFOSS A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 86825066
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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