Arbejde Divisional Communications Advisor Syddanmark DANFOSS POWER ELECTRONICS A/S - jobtilbud
Are you an experienced and ambitious professional with solid experience in executive communication? Are you passionate about organisational communication, and would you thrive in playing an essential and international role in all strategic, tactical, and operational internal communication matters? Then you might be the Divisional Communications Advisor we are looking for at Danfoss Drives Segment. Internal communication and strategy With direct reference to Head of HR and segment communication, you will be in charge of executing communication activities, mainly within internal and leadership communication, hereby advising Danfoss Drives management, in particular President Vesa Laisi, on all communication matters. As Divisional Communications Advisor, you will get the opportunity to obtain an international role where travelling and working with different cultures will be central. By setting clear directions and providing leaders with a solid platform from which to execute their leadership communication, you will play a key role in supporting divisional communication. Furthermore, you will support managers and HR Business Partners by advising on communication activities, especially regarding organisational changes. Overall, you will ensure that global communication messages and activities are aligned with segment strategic focus areas in cooperation with the segment’s head of Business Development and Strategy. This will be executed by ensuring alignment with corporate communication activities in cooperation with Danfoss Corporate Communication. Other activities include: •Responsibility for Danfoss Drives globally, which includes maintaining news flow on intranet and info boards, thereby ensuring dynamic internal communication •Yearly, General Management Meeting communications and overall roll-out •Yearly, perspective communication roll-out and communications package •Quarterly, Business Review Meeting communications, such as videos, town hall meetings and communications package, and conducting feedback to President Vesa Laisi •Reporting result of yearly audit to President Vesa Laisi •Securing a strong link to the marketing department in order to coordinate with marketing activities of the divisional business units and central marketing •Linking to Danfoss Corporate Communication as regards external communication about the Danfoss Drives Segment business/company (daily press) •Conducting Communication trainings Experienced and ambitious with a high sense of urgency You hold a relevant educational background, preferably a Master’s degree in communications, journalism, PR or the likes, and approximately 4-6 years experience in the field. You hold a track record displaying sound experience with communications allowing you to advise and coach top management. As a person, you have strong interpersonal and collaborative skills and are accustomed to responding well under pressure. You thrive having many contacts in the organisation and are able to take on any given assignment quickly without losing track or focus on the task at hand. With your energetic and proactive ways, you manage to self-motivate while maintaining a solid focus on planning and execution. You have excellent writing and communication skills, and are fluent in written and spoken English. Moreover, you possess a high sense of urgency and are solution-oriented and ambitious. Last but not least, you have diplomatic networking skills that ensure optimal cooperation with all employees. You have experience with international companies as well. For further information about the position, please contact Birgitte Ladefoged, HR Senior Director, on +45 2526 4714.
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 74 88 22 22
Job kort beskrivelse: Journalistisk arbejde
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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