Arbejde PhD position for Experimental Investigations of Barite Scale Formation Kinetics at Well Conditions unspecified Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - jobtilbud
reference: 4887265
documentId: 4887265
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1538638143956
PhD position for Experimental Investigations of Barite Scale Formation Kinetics at Well Conditions
PhD position for Experimental investigations of barite scale formation kinetics at well conditions
The Danish Hydrocarbon Research and Technology Centre (Centre for Oil and Gas - DTU), Technical University of Denmark (DTU), invites applicants for a PhD position for experimental studies of the kinetics of formation of the type heavily soluble scales that are observed in Danish North Sea production wells. Centre for Oil and Gas - DTU is established by the Danish Underground Consortium and DTU. As part of a national strategy on oil and gas, the research centre is an ambitious, targeted effort to improve recovery of oil and gas from the Danish North Sea. The advertised project focuses on scale deposition studies of barite scale and other insoluble scales.
Responsibilities and tasks
The position will be an integrated part of the scale and corrosion programme at the DHRTC which is focused on characterization, prediction and mitigation strategies for insoluble scales and corrosion in Danish North Sea oil wells In this context, the candidate is expected work with the team to perform innovative, fundamental, and applied research on:
- Scale kinetics
- Setting up a reaction cell to study scale build up
- Investigation of scale build-up and the dependence on flow, concentrations and temperature.
- Investigation of the effect of crude oil chemistry on scale
When well integrity is at risk, the recovery Deposits of scale and corrosion are contributing factors for potential loss of well integrity and further, scale build-up causes decrease of well efficiency. EOR schemes may affect the rate of scale precipitation and corrosion, potentially to the point of negating the targeted improvement in recovery factor. Therefore, improved understanding of observed mechanisms and development of testing methods as well as improved modelling tools for predicting and potentially mitigating scale deposit and corrosion is essential for optimal recovery of the remaining reserves. The DHRTC research programme on scale aims to improve the understanding of the complex and coupled chemical mechanisms that govern the deposition of scales (e.g. CaCO3, BaSO4, FeCO3, FeS). The plan for this project is experimental studies of the kinetics of formation of BaSO4 and other insoluble scales with focus on nucleation and flow regimes. The project will focus on setting up a flow cell to simulate realistic pipe flow wherein the factors influencing scale build-up can be controlled.
The project will involve work with partner laboratories at DTU and with the team in the fluid characterization and group at DHRTC.
Application potential
The line-of-sight application potential of this project is to assist in reaching a better understanding of the conditions that lead to scale build up in North Sea Oil Well conditions
A Master's degree in analytical or physical chemistry, chemical engineering or similar
- Exceptional skills in experimental physical chemistry/chemical engineering;
- Experience with fluid dynamics and flow systems;
- Experience with and a strong interest in setting up advanced experiments;
- Interest in applied research;
- Ability to work in a multi-disciplinary environment;
- Excellent writing and communication skills in English;
You can read about the scientific basis for the centre's activities here:
For further information about the position, please contact Senior Researcher Karen Feilberg.
Approval and Enrolment
The scholarship for the PhD degree are subject to academic approval, and the candidates will be enrolled in one of the general degree programmes of DTU. For information about the general requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies, please see the DTU PhD Guide.
We offer
DTU is a leading technical university globally recognized for the excellence of its research, education, innovation and scientific advice. We offer a rewarding and challenging job in an international environment. We strive for academic excellence in an environment characterized by collegial respect and academic freedom tempered by responsibility.
Salary and appointment terms
The appointment will be based on the collective agreement with the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations. The allowance will be agreed upon with the relevant union. The period of employment is 3 years.
You can read more about career paths at DTU here.
Further information
Further information may be obtained from Senior Researcher Karen Feilberg, klfe (at)
You can read about the scientific basis for the centre's activities here:
Application procedure
Please submit your online application no later than 15 October 2018.
Applications must be submitted as one pdf file containing all materials to be given consideration. To apply, please open the link "Apply online," fill in the online application form, and attach all your materials in English in one pdf file.
The file must include:
- A letter motivating the application (cover letter)
- Curriculum vitae
- Grade transcripts and BSc/MSc diploma
- Excel sheet with translation of grades to the Danish grading system (see guidelines and Excel spreadsheet here)
- Research statement and names and addresses of three references
Candidates may apply prior to obtaining their master's degree but cannot begin before having received it.
Applications and enclosures received after the deadline will not be considered.
All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, disability, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.
The overarching purpose of The Danish Hydrocarbon Research and Technology Centre is to identify new technological and conceptual solutions that will enable increased oil and gas extraction in the Danish section of the North Sea. The research activities at the centre cover selected aspects of expertise: Reservoir characterization, Enhanced Oil & Gas Recovery Processes, Drilling & Production Technology Concepts and Production Facilities, Materials Research & Design. The centre will develop deep, new understanding within these disciplines with a line--of--sight to application. Located at The Technical University of Denmark research groups at the University of Copenhagen, Aarhus University, Aalborg University and the Geological Survey of Greenland and Denmark will be affiliated with the Centre. When fully operational, the centre will employ and engage more than 100 people.
DTU is a technical university providing internationally leading research, education, innovation and scientific advice. Our staff of 6,000 advance science and technology to create innovative solutions that meet the demands of society, and our 11,200 students are being educated to address the technological challenges of the future. DTU is an independent academic university collaborating globally with business, industry, government and public agencies.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
source: DK-STAR
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