Arbejde Java Developer unspecified MAERSK LINE A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg5MDQ1MiA3

reference: 4890452

documentId: 4890452

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1539169084406

stillingsbetegnelse: Java Developer


Maersk Line are in the process of strengthening its development organisation with a focus on driving ownership, predictability, agility and lowering time to delivery.
A vacancy exists for Developer with strong Java skills and experience of working in the web layer, working as a key member of an agile team. You will be actively contributing to the development of business features on the Maersk web portal team - embracing
frequent delivery, end-to-end application ownership and lean/agile principles.

The role will involve contributing to a cross functional agile team in the elaboration, development and testing of user stories; actively taking part in sprint planning, backlog grooming and task estimation; hands-on development and modification of frameworks, common components
and business components; and hands-on development of unit tests across all developed components and contribution to the creation of automation in higher levels of the test pyramid,

We offer

Joining Maersk T&L will embark you on a great journey with career development in a global organisation. As Java Developer, you will gain broad business knowledge of the company’s activities globally, as well as understand how the complexity of IT supports the transport and logistics business.

You will be exposed to a wide and challenging range of business issues through regular engagement with key stakeholders across all management levels within Maersk. 

You will work and communicate across geographical and cultural borders that will enable you to build a strong profes-sional network. We believe people thrive when they are in charge of their career paths and professional growth. We will provide you with opportunities to broaden your knowledge and strengthen your technical and professional foundation.

By choosing Maersk, you join not only for the role, but for a career. From here your path may take you towards extended responsibilities within Application Development, IT Delivery or IT Leadership.

We aim to be a world-class professional IT organisation that delivers business value through automation, standardisation and innovation. We believe in empowerment where each of us takes ownership and responsibility for developing and implementing new ways of working.

Key responsibilities

• Participation in the elaboration of user stories (technical and functional). Agree stories are sufficiently described for their implementation, verification and delivery.
• Responsible for the quality design and implementation (supportable, maintainable, scalable, performant, secure) of applications delivering business value
• Ensuring builds are kept green and the code management strategy (branching) is closely followed.
• Participate in collaborative activities; pairing on tasks, peer review of team members’ code and constructive feedback for improvement in both the code base and team capability (embraces blame free feedback)
• Proactive contribution to continual improvements within your team through both active participation in retrospectives and from engagement with cross team best practice communities
• Technical support during cut-over activities
• Technical support in- and out-of-hours as part of team’s support rota

We are looking for

• Excellent implementation skills, primarily Java, SpringBoot, and associated unit testing frameworks
• Effective integration of testing into development workflow; using appropriate test frameworks
• Build tooling (e.g. Maven)
• Capability for occasional work in UI layer.
• Good experience of continual delivery pipeline tools (Jenkins, Ansible, ..)
• Good verbal communication skills; able to articulate clearly to technical team members during agile ceremonies and to work with product owners in the elaboration of user stories
• Able to work in a highly collaborative environment as part of an effective delivery squad
• Good critical reasoning and problem solving skills Experience
• Agile software development experience, preferable with experience of XP or other high collaboration approaches
• Using BDD and TDD approaches and tooling
• Fast turnaround development experience
• Continuous delivery – including shippable product per sprint delivery cadence
• Service orientated and microservice architecture
• Shared-nothing architecture, domain driven design and bounded context
• High volume transactional systems
• Use of API gateway products (Akana pref)
• Appreciation of the importance of coherent software architecture and design
• Loosely coupled message or event based architectures
• A full understanding of eventual consistency concepts, preferably hands on experience
• Active contributor to open source projects would be beneficial

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: MAERSK LINE A/S

source: DK-STAR


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