Arbejde Organizational Deployment Lead unspecified MAERSK LINE A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkzMTY1OSA3

reference: 4931659

documentId: 4931659

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1547632115140

stillingsbetegnelse: Organizational Deployment Lead


• Would you like to play a critical role in building the ‘HR of the Future’ for Maersk brands across 130+ countries?

• Are you an experienced Organization Design and Deployment specialist – combined with solid HR experience?

• Are you strategic, self-driven, and thrive in complex stakeholder landscapes?

This is a unique opportunity to join a very ambitious team shaping HR of the future.

We offer

As part of the vision to become the global integrator of container logistics, Maersk is redesigning its HR service delivery, operating model and technology in order for HR to become a truly global function and deliver great employee experience.

The future HR operating model and global technology implementation will be enabled through global HR processes across brands, geographies and employee segments.

We are looking for an experienced Organization Deployment Lead who would lead the deployment of the new operating model of HR across all Maersk brands. 

In this position, you will play a critical role in the transformation of HR into a global function for Maersk brands across 130+ countries. You will report to the Program Manager of HR of the Future. 

You will have a unique opportunity to stretch your capabilities and project toolbox by learning from, sparring with and building lasting relationships with diverse and professional colleagues, based in Headquarters and globally

As a performance-oriented company, we strive to always recruit the best person for the job – regardless of gender, age, nationality, sexual orientation or religious beliefs. 

We are proud of our diversity and see it as a genuine source of strength for building high-performing teams.

Key responsibilities

Below responsibilities will span across all Maersk Brands:
- Build on an agreed framework of new HR operating model by refining the approved high-level model, developing job abstractJV_descriptions and aligning with senior HR stakeholders
- Work with senior leaders and HR managers across Maersk to help build HR teams in accordance with the approved HR operating model
- Coordinate translation from global blueprint to local blueprint 
- Co-own implementation of blueprint from an employee relations and talent management perspective
- Support local HR management in defining the WC and union strategy and approach
- Implement the new HR operating model in close cooperation with global project manager and local delivery head (coordinate creation of org charts and, roles changes)
- Be responsible for talent retention strategies for HR organizations across Maersk as part of deploying the new HR operating model.
The success in the role will rely on the ability to attract the right talent in HR, help build a collaborative, inclusive work environment for an engaged team that is proud of their work and passionately drives a great employee experience for all of Maersk.

We are looking for

- You are an experienced Organization Design and Deployment specialist with a proven outcome-focused mindset
- You have spent 5-10 years in HR functions at a corporate headquarter level in an international environment
- You have experience working with Senior HR Business Partners and understand the breadth of HR business partnering function
- You understand or have experience in HR Service Delivery setup for large organizations
- You are strategic, self-driven, and thrive in complex stakeholder landscapes
- You are a team player, resilient and emotionally mature
- Experience in large projects involving process and technology changes will be a clear advantage
- You have excellent communication skills both oral and written
- You are able to operate in fast paced environment

You are a resilient team player who is goal-orientated and demonstrates a high level of commitment and you want to challenge and develop yourself continuously.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: MAERSK LINE A/S

source: DK-STAR


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