Arbejde Mould Manufacturing Technician unspecified LEGO SYSTEM A/S - jobtilbud

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id: NDk1NTA2NCA3

reference: 4955064

documentId: 4955064

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1551870756240

stillingsbetegnelse: Mould Manufacturing Technician


Do you want to take active part in all phases from initial idea for the design, manufacture and optimization of prototype and production moulds?

Core work approach

• being dutiful

• fully dedicated to your work

• always securing delivering in right time

• being flexible

• quality conscious

• good collaborative skills

• structured approach to the any tasks even in stressful situations

Play your part in our team succeeding

The Mould Manufacturing Red Stream organization in Mould Factory (MF) is a vital part of this organization. Manufacturing Red Stream is a team of 13 highly motivated tool makers.

You take active part in all phases from initial idea for the design, manufacture and optimization of prototype and production moulds. You are part of shifting teams which in close collaboration, use the latest CAD / CAM IT tools to work with CNC milling and operation of the latest 3- and 5-axis machining centers.

The position gives you a unique opportunity to develop your professional knowledge, and you will have opportunity to contribute to the department's future development and workflows.

As a tool maker, you can join the Mold Factory department responsible for procuring injection molding tools for production in the LEGO Group. In this connection we stand for tool construction and manufacturing as well as assembly of high precision tools.

Do you have what it takes?

• minimum 3-5 years experience as tool maker / Machine worker / Industry Technician

• experience with CAM IT Tools (Power Mill, HSM Works)

• basic to intermediate knowledge of english

Welcomed is also:

• Experience with SAP

• Experience with CAD IT tool ( NX11 )

• Good sence of humor

Join the global LEGO family

The LEGO® Group recruits and develops people entirely on merit. If you are confident you have what it takes to succeed in this role – and you share our commitment to creativity, collaboration, and quality – use the APPLY NOW button above or below. Please remember to attach your application and current CV.


You will work with the latest machining and production methods and get a unique opportunity to contribute to the development of future machining strategies. Innovation is a central piece of our work. We are always ready to challenge what others take for granted, and we really want your opinion,

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEGO SYSTEM A/S

source: DK-STAR


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