Arbejde Senior Naval Architect unspecified MAERSK LINE A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkwMTUzNCA3

reference: 4901534

documentId: 4901534

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1541507466393

stillingsbetegnelse: Senior Naval Architect


Take up the challenge as Senior Naval Architect in the Naval Architecture department in our Copenhagen headquarter. 

The department is a part of Fleet Technology in Maersk Line.

Fleet Technology is a specialized maritime engineering competence center responsible for ship design and supporting the Maersk Line fleet of more than 300 container vessels. We also support Svitzer and Maersk Tankers on a smaller scale.

Fleet Technology delivers the complete project lifecycle covering Newbuildings, Ship retrofit and conversions, technical innovation, Vessel recycling and a variety of other specialist technical services to the Maersk fleet.

We offer

An exciting role with the world’s largest and most efficient Container vessel operator.

You will be part of projects with a large variation in complexity and size, from small investigations to large fleet-wide design projects impacting the way the fleet is operated. 

As part of a dynamic and international organization, you will work with your Naval Architecture colleagues located in Copenhagen, and in close cooperation with Machinery and Electrical colleagues in Fleet Technology - a group of industry leading engineers from marine and various other engineering backgrounds.

In this position, you will have an opportunity to acquire skills and knowledge within the following areas:

• Newbuilding
• Retrofit/conversions
• Repair proposals 
• Technical innovation

And even though we wear business casual clothes, we have an informal tone in the office.

Key responsibilities

As Naval Architect, you will be responsible of the vessel design from ideations to vessel’s delivery, by preparing and reviewing technical specifications & drawings, as well as being part of negotiations with Shipyards and Suppliers.

Deliver on a variety of tasks with a long-term horizon and at the same time flexible to navigate between projects while having a very short delivery time.

In some projects, you will undertake the role as project manager and be the link between Engineering, Site Team, Shipyard and Suppliers. 

In other projects, you will take the role as Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), in close cooperation with internal and external stakeholders. 

Communicate complicated messages in compelling ways to internal/external stakeholders and works closely with other SMEs in a non-hierarchal project set-up.

We are looking for

Passionate Naval Architect with deep technical knowledge developed within ship design and vessels in operation, with expertise in more specific areas, who:

• Holds a degree in Naval Architecture with minimum 8+ years’ work experience from a reputed organization focusing on ship design/classification and possibly covering Newbuilding / Retrofit of container vessels.

• Has experience in working with data, coding small scale programming and using CAD/FEM/NAPA. 

• Has experience in container stowage and lashing design.

• Preferably has experience in coaching, supervising and leading small technical team of engineers

• Has international mindset and shows the excitement to engage and deal with multiple stakeholders even in challenging situations.

• Excels in English written and verbal communication, presentation and facilitation skills.

In return, there will be plenty of room for personal development. 

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: MAERSK LINE A/S

source: DK-STAR


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