Arbejde Motion Graphics Designer/Editor - Aarhus unspecified ARLA FOODS AMBA - jobtilbud

id: NDg5ODcwNSA3

reference: 4898705

documentId: 4898705

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1540992371786

stillingsbetegnelse: Motion Graphics Designer/Editor - Aarhus


Are you bursting with motion graphic design ideas? And can you create thumb stopping social media content for our global FMCG brands?

In Arla, a new content studio is seeing the light of day – a creative hub from which all future digital content will be developed. And we would like you to join us.

“Right now, we are establishing a new digital power house – a content studio where we will work with digital marketing towards the Danish and international markets. As our motion graphics designer, you will never have a dull moment as you will set the stage for video content and best practiceand work closely with other creative digital design aficionados,” says Thomas Heilskov, Director and Global Head of Digital.

About the job

Working closely with the creative lead and the content team, you use motion graphics to build brand stories and support live campaigns across our paid and owned channels. This includes our global Arla brands such as Lurpak and Castello but also highly strategic Danish brands like Kærgården and Karolines Køkken.

You will both be leading video best practice and create video content yourself, to support for our campaigns across Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Doing so, you will work with new engaging video content as well as editing and optimising exiting ones.

Always keeping abreast of new animation styles and ideas, you will:

  • Create compelling motion graphic animations from storyboards supplied by the graphic designers, and in some cases, you produce the storyboard yourself, straight from the script
  • Edit raw video footage supplied by our film crews into highly engaging films for social media
  • Work closely with internal content teams as well as external agencies to create dynamic, creative assets for our end-users
  • Develop mood films and internal content (such as inhouse films and internal mood boards) 

Who are you?

You have an excellent understanding of branded video content, allowing you to build brand stories and rethink digital craftmanship. You love experimenting with new technologies, software and techniques to create highly engaging content. Moreover, you have strong communications skills, allowing you to liaise with internal and external stakeholders as well as your team.

You also bring:

  • Solid experience from a similar role within a creative digital agency or inhouse department, ideally within FMCG
  • An excellent understanding of motion graphics and video editing, including reviews and editing of scripts
  • Advanced knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite software, especially After Effect, but also Premiere or other relevant software such as C4D Photoshop
  • The ability to meet tight deadlines while juggling different projects simultaneously
  • Fluency in English and knowledge of data-driven digital content production 

What do we offer?

We are building a team from scratch – giving you a unique chance to take part from the beginning and putting your mark on our tomorrow.

Our ambition is to have the content studio handle all aspects of digital marketing – from setting the overall direction to executing online video production and developing campaign toolkits, reactive media plans for hero and always-on, tactical campaigns. Your team will do it all. And you will be part of this journey.


If you want to drive innovation and help shape the industry, then seize this exciting opportunity. Please apply no later than November 20, 2018.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: ARLA FOODS AMBA

source: DK-STAR


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