Arbejde 148051 Professor with Special Responsibilities within Bioethics (Fixed-term, 5 years) unspecified KU-CENTER FOR SUNDHED OG SAMFUND - jobtilbud
reference: 4883016
documentId: 4883016
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1537877767153
148051 Professor with Special Responsibilities within Bioethics (Fixed-term, 5 years)
Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Copenhagen
The University seeks to appoint a professor with special duties within bioethics to the Department of Public Health, Section for Health Services Research to commence as soon as possible. The post is for a fixed-term period (5 years). At the end of the 5-year period of employment, the professor is secured an employment and remuneration as associate professor.
Information about the Department is linked on:
Job abstractJV_description
In considering applications for the professorship, the ability to address a variety of topics in bioethics will be of importance and a special emphasis will be on the applicant's ability to apply original scientific production in bioethics and develop bioethics curricula at the faculty of health. Experience with and ability to teach medical ethics and bioethics to medical and other students and experiences with developing teaching and teaching material in this field is valued. Courses in medical ethics are given in most of the faculty’s study programmes such as medicine, public health science, human biology, odontology etc. It will be important to submit a plan for development of the teaching portfolio to address the future professional challenges for the students related to bioethical issues of health policy and health care. Furthermore, ability to reach out to the general public and provide ethics advisory function would be an asset. A background in philosophy is also an advantage.
The professorship will be hosted by the Section for Health Services Research, University of Copenhagen, and the professor will be expected to collaborate with fellow researchers in the section, department and the faculty within the field of bioethics, medical ethics and ethics and philosophy of technology.
The Section is a multi-disciplinary research environment, in which people combine qualitative and quantitative methods to understand the workings of the health services, patient perspectives, bioethics and health policy at large.
The professor’s duties will primarily consist of:
• development of the research environment and attracting research funding
• research, including obligations with regard to publication/scientific communication
• research leadership as well as educational guidance and supervision of junior researchers
• research-based teaching with associated examination duties
• communicating (research) knowledge to the public
• professional assessment work
Qualification requirements
The appointee should have qualifications within the following areas:
• ability to demonstrate a high degree of original scientific production on an international level and a significant contribution to the development of the subject area
• ability to provide research-based teaching
• ability to be in charge of research and other management functions as well as communicate (research) knowledge to the public
The Professor is also required to be enterprising and to possess good interpersonal skills.
Terms of employment
Salary and other terms and conditions of appointment are set in accordance with the Agreement between the Ministry of Finance and AC (Danish Confederation of Professional Associations) or other relevant professional organisations.
The position is covered by the Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities (2013).
For further details please contact the Head of Section, Signild Vallgårda (siva (at) or Head of Department, Steffen Loft (stl (at)
Foreign applicants may find this link useful: (International Staff Mobility) and
The application, in English, must be submitted by clicking “Apply online” below and must include the following:
• An application with a motivation for applying for this post
• A curriculum vitae
• Diplomas (Master’s, PhD and other relevant certificates)
• A list of publications
• A research plan
• A teaching portfolio (Guidelines:
• A teaching plan
• Uploads of publications (max 10) you wish considered in the assessment
Application procedure
After the expiry of the deadline for applications, the authorized recruitment manager selects applicants for assessment on the advice of the Appointments Committee.
All applicants are then immediately notified whether their application has been passed for assessment. The Dean then appoints an expert assessment committee in order to make an assessment of the selected applicants for the specific post. Selected applicants are notified of the composition of the committee and each applicant has the opportunity to comment on the part of the assessment that relates to the applicant him/herself. You can read about the recruitment process at
Please note that the applicant will be contacted if the assessment committee requires further documentation.
The applicant will be assessed according to the Ministerial Order no. 242 of 13 March 2012 on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Universities.
The University of Copenhagen encourages all interested applicants to apply for this position.
Please submit the application with the required attachments. Only online applications will be accepted. The closing date for applications is 23.59 p.m. CET, Sunday 21 October 2018.
Interviews for this position are likely to be held on 4 February 2019.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
source: DK-STAR
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