Arbejde Mechanical Project Engineer - Logistic Systems unspecified BEUMER Group A/S - jobtilbud

katalog biznesowy

id: NDg3Nzc5NiA3

reference: 4877796

documentId: 4877796

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1536748384540

stillingsbetegnelse: Mechanical Project Engineer - Logistic Systems


Mechanical Project Engineer - Logistic Systems

  • Aarhus, Denmark
  • Full-time

Job Description

Are you ambitious about moving in the direction of Senior Mechanical engineering? Do you want to challenge your professional skills with system integration projects for customers around the world?

Join us to develop global solutions
You join BEUMER Group at our offices in Aarhus, Denmark, to manage the mechanical integration for Logistic Systems projects. We are proud to deliver one of the leading solutions on the market to international companies like Nike, DHL, FedEx, Australian Post and many others. Our customers depend on high performance and 24/7 daily operations.

Project work from design to commissioning
As mechanical project engineer, you will have a versatile job in an international and multidisciplinary environment. As part of a project organization with responsibility for the mechanical design, you will manage many stakeholders and ensure a lean process and high quality throughout the project.

You will be responsible for the mechanical system layout and make sure that the solutions meet the specifications and comply with our internal design rules. You are involved from the design phase to the commissioning at the customer.

Your tasks will include:

  • Preparation of specifications on requirements, clarification of mechanical and electrical interfaces to other system parts and risk assessments and CE marking
  • System layouts including compliance with required system capacities, redundancy, flow etc.
  • Responsibility for sub-supplier technical purchase specifications and delivery on-site, for bill of materials for manufacturing as well as for test and installation documentation
  • Idea and concept generation on project specific solutions
  • Managing, planning and coordinating sub-tasks and sub-projects for a team of technical designers
  • Site-support during installation and commissioning

Curious, dedicated and outgoing
This is a role where you need to bring ability and ambition. You want to develop your competencies and move yourself in the direction of a Senior Mechanical Engineer position. We need you to be outgoing, possess good communication skills, and be fluent in English. Last but not least, you are able to stay focused on details, results and deadlines.

  • You hold a mechanical engineering degree or similar
  • You have 3+ years of project experience with responsibility for the mechanical design
  • You have hands-on experience with AutoCAD and a strong 3D understanding
  • Knowledge about conveyor systems is an advantage generally, system integration solutions in particular
  • You are familiar with the machinery directive

Please upload your application as soon as possible. We will invite for interview on an ongoing basis. If you would like to know more about the position, you are welcome to contact Logistics Engineering Director, Henrik Andersen, on +45 27 61 58 20.

Conveying, loading, palletising, packing, serration and distribution – BEUMER Group is a leader within the development and manufacture of high-technological intralogistics systems for global markets. Our employees stand out from others thanks to their ability to supply innovative solutions to our customers. They can do this because they know the industry and are passionate about continuously developing and expanding their knowledge. We support these high standards through teamwork, mutual respect and a working culture based on trust that fosters stability and security for all of our employees. Our common goal is to implement outstanding and innovative projects worldwide.

numberOfPosts: 1


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positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: BEUMER Group A/S

source: DK-STAR


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