Arbejde Ambitious Software Developer who wants to make a difference unspecified SYSTEMATIC A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDc3NTY3MiA3

reference: 4775672

documentId: 4775672

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1536903242476

Ambitious Software Developer who wants to make a difference


Systematic is the largest privately owned IT-software company in Denmark – and we are growing. Read along if you like to be in front and make your mark on IT-solutions that make a difference to people and society, which is our company mission.

We work in five different areas:

  • Healthcare (hospital IT-systems)
  • Intelligence and National Security (different security IT-systems)
  • Defense (battle management and communication IT-systems)
  • Public and Private (various mission critical IT-systems for the public and private sector)
  • Library and Learning (school and library IT-systems)

As a developer, you will be an important part of the daily work of developing high-quality IT solutions for customers worldwide. You will be part of an agile and independent team with skilled colleagues where you will be responsible for a wide range of development-related tasks.

The job
Do you want to work in an international company with highly profiled customers and very professional colleagues? Would you like to learn about European and especially Danish work culture in a friendly environment where we care about YOU and your competence development? Then you should continue reading.You should apply for this job if you:

  • Want to produce high-quality code that is easy to maintain and understand for others
  • Like to work in an Agile working environment with a large degree of independence to plan your own work
  • Like complex tasks in a large code base that covers a wide variety of different technologies
  • Want to be part of a highly skilled team of developers where you get to learn something new every day
  • Are driven by the quality of your work and take pride in understanding complicated solutions and the challenges that the customer faces

Your skills and personality
You are probably a computer scientist or an engineer, preferably experienced with software development. Which technologies you will be working on depends on the team and business unit you will be part of. Because of this, you have the opportunity to work with a wide range of technological solutions and methods. Furthermore, you are skilled in some of the following technologies:

  • Java EE and/or .NET (C#), Groovy, Scala – particularly experience with Java will be an advantage
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript (AngularJS, JQuery)
  • jPA, SQL (MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Postgres)
  • Object-oriented design and design patterns
  • Test-driven development, profiling, optimisation
  • Continuous integration and deployment, scripting
  • Windows and/or Linux operational system

As a person, you are good at collaborating, and you contribute positively to the team dynamics. You are ambitious and are willing to continuously improve and develop yourself towards becoming and independent team player. You work systematically and always focus on the detail.

Systematic offers

  • ‘Talent Program’ and a strong professional environment
    As a part of the talent program, we offer you an internal mentor who will assist you in your personal learning process. At Systematic, you will experience a trustful atmosphere where you will feel safe to experiment and use your full intellectual capacity, which is a core value to us. Thereby, you will improve your career opportunities. We prioritise a good work-life balance. Furthermore, you will be working in teams within a Scandinavian environment of ambitious and highly skilled colleagues who speaks excellent English.
  • Support to settle in (if you need to relocate to Denmark)
    We offer preliminary home search, help you getting your registration in order and we offer a high quality Danish language course. If you want to you get a host family, which is an employee in Systematic and his/her family inviting you for dinner etc. In addition to this, you will get a tutor in Systematic who will help you to settle in the organisation.
  • The City of Aarhus
    Aarhus is the second largest city in Denmark with 350.000 inhabitants. Recently, CNN rated Aarhus as one of the best places to go in 2017 and Aarhus is the European Capital of Culture 2017. Aarhus has large sized companies and thousands of IT-jobs. Aarhus also contains the perfect combination of city life and a beautiful nature, next to the sea. Last but not least, you can join of a huge number of different organizations, activities and international communities.

Questions and application procedure
To apply for this position please write in English. We look forward to receiving your application.

Because we also work with security classified projects, all Systematic personnel must have security clearance.

numberOfPosts: 1


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positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: SYSTEMATIC A/S

source: DK-STAR


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