reference: 4914935
documentId: 4914935
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1544086866760
Are you our new colleague?
Copenhagen Marriott Hotel is looking for a Catering & Event Sous Chef with focus on building team stability and motivation within the team. You have the engagement and drive to deliver a high quality product with a keen focus on flexibility and passion for cooking. You are committed to building a great team and encourage team spirit in the C&E department.
About us
You will become part of a workplace in a large dynamic organization with a harmonious working environment, where the focus is on mutual feedback and with a short path from idea to action. We are a workplace that constantly strives to improve guest experience. We celebrate our successes, are constantly working towards new objectives, but never compromise the good work environment and team spirit.
About you
As a chef, you must be passionate about engaging with the guests and be present in the buffet areas, leading by example and producing live stations and a variety of menus, which are based on using fresh and organic produce. The story of our high quality and sustainability focus is very important and must be a focal point in our menus.
We are looking for a candidate, who:
- Has prior experience with banquets at both smaller and larger scales
- Thrives in a fast-paced workplace that is constantly evolving and does not compromise when it comes to quality
- Is an exceptional organizer and have a logical mindset in order to adjust to all types of business
- Possess keen leadership skills
- Is willing to take on responsibility, including scheduling your team and the weekly planning of the business and event overview
- Is great with people and dedicated to developing the team, which is key focus for this position
- Strives to deliver and embrace changes
- Danish language skills are a plus but not a must
At Copenhagen Marriott Hotel we appreciate diversity and encourage all qualified candidates to apply regardless of gender, age, handicap, ethnic background, religion and sexual orientation. Apply via link below before December 23rd - we are looking to start up this position in the beginning of January.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: BC Hospitality Group A/S
source: DK-STAR
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