Arbejde Lead Product Specialist unspecified GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkxMDEzMSA3

reference: 4910131

documentId: 4910131

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1543233976000

stillingsbetegnelse: Lead Product Specialist


What do we offer?

To meet growing competition within the field of circulators we are building a strong large circulators team. That is why we are now looking for a technically adept and dynamic product specialist like you to help us. You will have great opportunities to take the front stage as a specialist and share your knowledge with highly skilled colleagues as well as develop your own skills further.

Come join the large circulators team in the global product management area in Grundfos. Together with the product manager and technical specialists you will be maintaining and developing one of our strategically most important areas globally, the large circulators business area (MAGNA).

What is the job about?

As Lead Product Specialist, you will be the foremost expert within circulators with in-depth knowledge ranging from competitor products over, customer needs to our own products and systems. Thus, you continuously develop know-how and apply this knowledge in documentation and external material. Naturally, you update and distribute all relevant product documentation, while also developing training material for pumps, systems and applications and conduct specialist training accordingly online and offline, e.g. at seminars.

You will play a key role related to technology and product development. As the expert within circulators you contribute with know-how and specific requirements in development projects as well as provide a technical perspective to business development and technology planning. You will represent the voice of the customer when designing new products and solutions by providing specifications and insights to the product developers. Likewise, you support the sales organisation, i.e. by converting your product understanding into business growth opportunities.

What do you need to apply?

This role will fit you if you have a few years of experience or working with pumps and pump systems or if you are able to quickly acquire technical knowledge. We will provide you with supplementary training, but preferably you are educated as a mechanical engineer, business engineer or similar. You speak and write English fluently.

The nature of the position requires you to be able to pick up and understand technical knowledge of products, their functionality and applicability. You can work independently and structured with your tasks, just as you are enterprising, good at handling stressful situations and delivering quality on time. Your communication skills are good, and you have the ability to turn complex information into relatable know-how for sales regions globally. You enjoy an extrovert role as a communicator and like to help others comprehend complex knowledge. Finally, you have a collaborative, customer-oriented mind-set and can network to build relations both internally and externally as the job has multiple touch points in the organisation.

You are proactive and driven which means that you like to tackle challenges head on with a constructive and creative attitude.

Additional information
If you have questions or want to know more about the position, please contact Global Program Director Mogens Sørensen, on +45 40 45 98 14

If this job sounds appealing to you, please send your resume and cover letter today by clicking on "Apply". We conduct interviews on an ongoing basis.

We look forward to hearing from you.

If you want to dig deeper into the Grundfos universe, please visit our Grundfos YouTube Channel here: or on Facebook:

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S

source: DK-STAR


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