Arbejde Industry Technology Specialist, Technical Service Bioenergy, Europe unspecified NOVOZYMES A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4897742
documentId: 4897742
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1540896966720
Industry Technology Specialist, Technical Service Bioenergy, Europe
Pioneer a brighter future
At Novozymes, we work in close partnership with our customers and the global community to make a sustainable impact. We use science to advance industries, and as part of Agriculture & Bioenergy, you will work across the agricultural value chain to provide biological solutions that help feed and fuel a growing world.
Industry Technology Specialist – Technical Service Bioenergy, Europe
The ethanol industry in Europe is an exciting and dynamic place to work and we are looking for motivated individuals with experience in this industry to implement our market-leading product innovations.
In this role, you will work with an assigned group of ethanol plants to learn their processes, understand their challenges, and then develop and deliver products and services from our wide portfolio that address their needs. This will require strong collaboration both with the ethanol producers as well with the Novozymes Bioenergy team.
To be successful in this role, you should be a strong logical thinker with the ability and drive to solve complex technical problems. In addition, you should have a business understanding of how the science will impact economic factors for Novozymes and our customers. In this dynamic and evolving industry, you will need to be able to adapt to exciting and ever-changing information and technology.
This position will be based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Individuals with strong work experience will also have the option to work out of a home office depending on location.
In this position you need to:
- Have minimum of 4 years relevant experience in the Ethanol industry or Agricultural industry.
- Have minimum of a BS degree in a scientific field such as Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Microbiology, Biochemistry.
- Have solid science background, including process engineering, data analysis and fermentation.
- Have both process experience in the ethanol or corn milling industry and experience working in a technical service or technical sales role.
- Be able to travel approximately 50%.
- Be fluent in EnglishAdvanced language skills in French, German, or Spanish are an advantage.
Are you the next Zymer in our team? Consider a career with Novozymes and let’s realize your potential together.
About Novozymes
Novozymes is the world leader in biological solutions. Together with customers, partners and the global community, we improve industrial performance while preserving the planet’s resources and helping build better lives. As the world’s largest provider of enzyme and microbial technologies, our bioinnovation enables higher agricultural yields, low-temperature washing, energy-efficient production, renewable fuel and many other benefits that we rely on today and in the future. We call it Rethink Tomorrow.
For more information please contact Technical Service Manager, Dr.Prashant M. Bapat, on +45 30771331.
Application deadline: November 18, 2018.
Please attach your diploma(s) when you apply for the job.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: NOVOZYMES A/S
source: DK-STAR
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