Arbejde Lab Associate, Production Strain Technology, Bagsværd unspecified NOVOZYMES A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg5MDE1NyA3

reference: 4890157

documentId: 4890157

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1539164585253

Lab Associate, Production Strain Technology, Bagsværd


Pioneer a brighter future
At Novozymes, we work in close partnership with our customers and the global community to make a sustainable impact. We use science to advance industries, and as part of Research, Innovation and Supply, you will help find the biological answers and build the new businesses that can pave the way for a brighter future.

Lab Associate, Production Strain Technology, Bagsværd
Department of Fermentation Technology is instrumental in choosing the right strains for Novozymes. Most of our work is running lab scale cultivations of microorganisms to find strains for upscaling to production and to understand our expression systems to find out how to improve them. Well conducted lab fermentations are the basis for finding strains, optimizing culture conditions, and gaining understanding. We also analyze and characterize fermentation samples using various techniques, and have a lot of fun.

The department consists of 7 scientists and 10 lab associates / technicians. Would you like to be part of our team delivering high quality fermentation results?

In this position you need to:

  • Be trained as Lab Associate or Lab Technician
  • Have an interest in and preferentially experience with running bioreactors including robotized systems
  • Have an interest in combining computers and lab equipment (for control and data acquisition) including trouble shooting and data handling
  • Have a strong focus on details and quality while keeping track of overall experimental setup
  • Have a positive attitude when plans are adjusted to accommodate last minute changes
  • Have good collaborative skills and a wish to be part of the team

Are you the next Zymer in our team? Consider a career with Novozymes and let’s realize your potential together.

About Novozymes
Novozymes is the world leader in biological solutions. Together with customers, partners and the global community, we improve industrial performance while preserving the planet’s resources and helping build better lives. As the world’s largest provider of enzyme and microbial technologies, our bioinnovation enables higher agricultural yields, low-temperature washing, energy-efficient production, renewable fuel and many other benefits that we rely on today and in the future. We call it Rethink Tomorrow.

Ranked #2 in Science magazine’s global Top Employers Survey 2017.

For more information please contact Kim Hansen, 30772460, kimh (at) Application deadline: 21 October 2018. 
Please attach your diploma(s) when you apply for the job.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: NOVOZYMES A/S

source: DK-STAR


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