Arbejde Junior Programme Manager Play Based Learning Syddanmark LEGO SYSTEM A/S - jobtilbud
Do you have the experience in managing multiple charity projects, globally? Would you like to be part of a passionate environment? In line with our ambitions and strategy the LEGO Foundation works worldwide with philanthropic projects. We are looking for a Junior Programme Manager to join us in a new role in which you will have ample opportunity to shape and develop over time. Join the LEGO Foundation for an opportunity of a lifetime The LEGO Foundation owns 25 % of the LEGO Group through its investment company and provides support for research and teaching-related activities. Through product donations, grants, education support, teacher education and research, we make LEGO Products and hands-on learning experiences accessible to children across the world. The LEGO Foundation is undergoing a period of significant strengthening and serious growth. Thus, you will join a fast growing, entrepreneurial and ambitious team, aiming at building a future where learning through play empowers children to become creative, engaged, life-long learners. Build and manage partnerships relations based on the LEGO idea This position focuses primarily on the management, planning and coordination of LEGO Foundation product donations, in particular LEGO Charity Boxes, to support our Play Based Learning (PBL) and the Local LEGO Community Engagement (LCE) programmes. Our Play Based Learning (PBL) Programme is about bringing new learning tools - based on play activities - to children in different parts of the world. It involves product donations, training and education the caretakers (parents, teachers, educators) about the importance of play and how to engage with children in a dynamic way. And while we always promote many different types of play in the Foundation, this programme is mostly based on LEGO play. The Local LEGO Community Engagement (LCE) Programme closely works with the LEGO Group's 12 000+ employees and supports them to be involved in meaningful, child centred volunteer activities at local level. We believe that every LEGO sites employee should be a "Play Agent" and promote the idea that play is very important for the development of children - anywhere. In both programmes, the LEGO Charity Box is a key tool to reach out to many children all around the world. Each box is a solution to bring fun, play and learning to children who are very often not able to get their hands on and LEGO bricks. One of the main tasks of this position will be acting as the key interface between local partners and the box recipients and the LEGO Charity team to coordinate and ensure planning and delivery of LEGO Charity boxes. As such, your key accountabilities will be to: In the PBL programme establish and maintain a high functioning relationship with partnering organisations (UN and other international organisations NGO's, international and similar organizations), ensuring a successful delivery and securing that training will take place Assess project ideas that further the mission of the Foundation, and ensure those projects are managed according to agreed milestones Ensure demand, planning, and capacity reservation with LEGO Charity and coordinate the details on the logistics and packaging, to meet local demands, and committed deliveries In the LCE programme, stay in close alignment with the local programme responsible (always a LEGO employee). Alert management on issues, along with sharing recommendations, based on due diligence outcomes, or findings from the regular monitoring. Collect stories from partners as well as the LCE program, and distribute, through social media and other channels, to external and internal audiences. Synthesize the learning's from projects and programmes to contribute to the Foundation’s thought leadership. The right candidate should bring the right mix between partner's management experience, logistics and passion for the LEGO idea. Advanced degree preferred, ideally in business administration, logistics/supply chain,
Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEGO SYSTEM A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 79506070
Sådan ansøger: hr.lf (at)
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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