Arbejde Junior frontend developer unspecified LEGO SYSTEM A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDk0NDg5NCA3

reference: 4944894

documentId: 4944894

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1549972394373

stillingsbetegnelse: Junior frontend developer


Do you have a passion for frontend development?

Then this is your opportunity to join a diverse and passionate group of developers and UX designers that take pride in designing and developing the next LEGO Education products, helping millions of students around the world to succeed

Core Responsibilities

• Create software that enables connected learning experiences

• Develop apps that delivers high end LEGO Education learning experiences

• Work in a cross-functional development team, collaborating across the full value chain in software & product development

• Ensure world-class quality and be a steward of the LEGO values that consumers expect from our brand

Play your part in our team succeeding

We work with an agile mindset to deliver seamlessly integrated digital build & play experiences in collaboration with the LEGO Product Development organization.

At LEGO Education, we apply the LEGO® building system to deliver playful learning experiences that bring subjects to life in the classroom and make learning fun and impactful. As you help us bring new apps into the hands of millions of students around the world, we will trust you to apply your ability to think both creatively and logically to bring effective learning to children through our solutions

Do you have what it takes?

• Bachelor or Masters degree within Comp. Science, Software Engineering or similar

• Skills in React or Angular, preferably also using redux

• Experience with typescript

• Interest in working with emerging technologies such as Augmented Reality, Computer Vision, Machine Learning and other AI related disciplines

• Experience in creating applications for multiple platforms, including Windows, OSX, iOS and Android would be preferable

• Effective communication and collaboration skills, with fluency in English

Bringing it to life

“Set the standard for tomorrow’s education and learning. Here, you will assume a broad responsibility for the LEGO Education apps and the opportunity to influence children’s future learning journey,” says Senior Manager Brian Sørensen.

Join the global LEGO® family

In the LEGO Group, we succeed together, and you will be part of a global family, where you can use your creativity and enjoy a fun working environment. We look forward to receiving your application. Please remember to attach your cover letter and a current CV in English.

If you would like to know more about the position, please contact Brian Sørensen on +45 51 64 95 55.

We do not have application deadlines on any of our positions. We take candidates into the recruitment process continuously and fill the position once we have found the right candidate.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEGO SYSTEM A/S

source: DK-STAR


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