Arbejde IP/Legal Administrator unspecified FLSMIDTH & CO. A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4968793
documentId: 4968793
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1554208241213
stillingsbetegnelse: IP/Legal Administrator
Have you previously worked with administration of intellectual property rights and want to unfold your skills in a multinational engineering company? As Paralegal/IP Administrator you will join the Global IPR Portfolio Management department and as such be part of FLSmidth’s Global Legal department. We have locations in countries all over the world. You will be based in our Head Quarter in Valby, Denmark.
IP Portfolio Management and Legal Administration
You will primarily assist in managing workflow and day-to-day operations for our in-house patent and trademark professionals located around the world. This includes preparing documents and attending to the filing and office actions related to national and international patent and trademark applications, as well as coordinating foreign patent and trademark applications with various foreign associates and ensuring that critical deadlines are met. In addition, your job will include general administration duties, including invoice processing, generating reports, documentation management etc. for the Global Legal department.
You can look forward to a position in which you cooperate and interact with FLSmidth colleagues all around the world.
Experience with IP administration, service minded and a quality mindset
You have experience working in a legal environment, preferably as an IP Administrator or similar. If you are Qualified Intellectual Property Administrator (QIPA) we would certainly also like to hear from you, but this certification is not a requirement. Most important is that you are service minded, pleased to assist have a well-developed sense of quality, and that you are eager to learn. That you always take responsibility for following up and finishing your tasks is crucial. You thrive being part of a team and being one others can rely on to make things happen and work to flow smoothly. You find it exciting to work with colleagues of various backgrounds, authorities and other stakeholders, and you have excellent interpersonal skills. Fluency in English (written and verbal) and good IT skills are absolute requirements.
Our commitment to you
FLSmidth helps build societies all over the world by contributing to the infrastructure needed for global economic growth.
You take off for a career in an international environment in close collaboration with customers, suppliers and colleagues all over the world based on our values: Competence, Co-operation and Responsibility.
Ensuring that safety stays on top of mind is part of FLSmidth’s commitment of being a responsible employer and we focus on developing your talent through ongoing training.
Questions about the position may be directed to General Manager, Head of Global IPR Management, Mari Nergaard Andersson at +45 3618 1847. Please apply by clicking “apply” on this page. The application deadline is 15-Apr-2019.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: FLSMIDTH & CO. A/S
source: DK-STAR
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