Arbejde Internationally minded Project Manager for complex building projects unspecified RAMBØLL DANMARK A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4906508
documentId: 4906508
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1542370265670
Internationally minded Project Manager for complex building projects
Are you passionate about project management and do you thrive when working on challenging projects on an international scale? Then here is the ideal opportunity to further develop your skills and work with some of the best and brightest in the business.
Your responsibilities as Project Manager
In your role as Project Manager, your main focus will be to execute international building projects.
You will in Ramboll be working closely with engineering specialists, all experts within their individual fields. It will be your responsibility as our client’s key contact to set a strong Ramboll team, to execute the project. This includes bringing all relevant Ramboll competences and services into play. Services the client did not necessarily realise they needed until you made them aware of the benefits.
You will be based out of our Headquarters in Copenhagen.
You and your competencies
You will be empowered to run International Projects engaging with our local Rambøll office or our strategic local partners in the relevant country.
You will strive for a natural ambition of constantly developing your skills and expertise, taking both yourself and Ramboll to the next level. You acknowledge and appreciate that successful projects are well documented and your structured approach to project management ensures high quality in the communication with all stakeholders involved.
As you as Project Manager will have a close dialogue with both existing and new clients, it is important that you feel relaxed in an outgoing role. You are at ease with establishing and maintaining good relations with both clients, suppliers, contractors and colleagues. Your strong networking skills will also enable you to set strong project teams, delivering the best of Ramboll to the clients.
You enjoy the responsibility that comes with the role and you are able to foster team spirit through attractive, developing and inspiring projects.
On a more academic and professional level, we expect the right candidate to have:
- An engineering background
- Minimum 10 years experience with project management (preferably) in the building sector. Contract and Procurement management is also preferable.
- Previously worked with International contract terms such as FIDIC.
- Fluency in English both orally and in writing.
Join the PM & Industry department
You will be a part of the PM & Industry department based at our office in Copenhagen. We are currently a team of passionate Project Managers from different countries all managing our clients’ building projects from start to finish on projects throughout the world.
All services are both rendered as independent disciplines and part of a broader consultancy service. This means that we have close strategic collaboration with international sub-consultants and with many departments within Ramboll worldwide – all with their unique expertise.
Working at Ramboll
To work at Ramboll means being part of a people organisation. We are focused on knowledge sharing and collaboration across competence areas and geography, and we aim for a strong diversity among our employees. This enables us to solve a broad range of projects, and we firmly believe that cross-collaboration leads to creative and longstanding solutions. Thus, the possibilities at Ramboll are many and diverse –we invest a lot in development of people and offer career paths tailored for each individual.
About Ramboll
Ramboll is a leading engineering, design and consultancy company founded in Denmark in 1945. The company employs more than 14,000 experts globally and has especially strong representation in the Nordics, UK, North America, Continental Europe, Middle East and Asia-Pacific. With 300 offices in 35 countries, Ramboll combines local experience with a global knowledgebase constantly striving to achieve inspiring and exacting solutions that make a genuine difference to our clients, the end-users, and society at large. Ramboll works across the following markets: Buildings, Transport, Planning & Urban Design, Water, Environment & Health, Energy and Management Consulting. More information available at Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.
If you want to know more about the position, please contact Head of Department Nick Bernabe at +45 5161 7872 or at nbern (at)
If you are interested in applying, please send your CV and application through our online recruitment system by clicking the link ‘Apply for job online’ below.
We will look through applications and invite for interviews on a continious basis, so do not hesitate sending us your CV and application.
Last day to submit is Friday 21st December 2018.
Ansøgningsfrist 2018-12-21
Arbejdssted Copenhagen
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: RAMBØLL DANMARK A/S
source: DK-STAR
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