Arbejde International Sales Assistant to Oticon Medical unspecified OTICON A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4952602
documentId: 4952602
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1551438132433
stillingsbetegnelse: International Sales Assistant to Oticon Medical
Oticon Medical is a global company in implantable hearing solutions, dedicated to bringing the magical world of sound to people at every stage of life. Oticon Medical shares a deep appreciation and understanding of the challenges patients encounter in their day-to-day lives. That knowledge, combined with leading edge research, drives the innovation that enables us to develop implantable hearing solutions that improve quality of life - now and in the future.
To support our Global Vice President of International Sales and Clinical Support as well as the International Sales Team we are currently looking for an enthusiastic, energetic and service-orientated individual, who thrives in a role, requiring handling multiple tasks and stakeholders simultaneously. In return, we offer you a job in one of the most exciting and promising companies in the med-tech industry, a great team spirit and atmosphere.
You will be based at the headquarter in Smoerum – just outside Copenhagen.
First class support
As International Sales Assistant, we will give you the chance to make a difference to our business as part of the Management Secretariat with a wide range of administrative tasks and areas of responsibilities including various hands on tasks. We are a collaborative team of 2 looking for a third addition to our team. You will report to the Head of Management Secretariat. You will primarily provide support for the Global VP of International Sales & Clinical Support and the International Sales Team, but you are expected to help throughout the Management Secretariat, as the culture in Oticon Medical is that of mutual helpfulness.
Your main responsibilities and tasks include:
- PA support to Global VP of International Sales, e.g. maintain calendars, travel bookings, expense handling and ad hoc administrative tasks
- Administrative responsibility of the Key Opinion Leader Meetings, maintain and further develop the KOL concept, facilitating the meetings from A-Z and secure an up-to-date setup for the meetings
- Organize and support internal and external customer events, workshops and training sessions, this in relation to travel, hotels, dinners and other practical details
- Administration and coordination of sales reporting in close collaboration with the finance department and the sales team
- Ad hoc administrative support to the international sales team
What you bring in
We are looking for a person with a strong experience from a similar role, preferably from an international setting.
In order to be a success in the role, you have a natural talent for being organized and structured, but without being rigid. You are known for your outstanding service, proactive mindset and curiosity. You are an open-minded person who is interested in working with many different stakeholders in an informal and global environment. You are a dedicated team player with an open and enthusiastic attitude.
You communicate fluently in English both in writing and verbally. If you have French language proficiency, then this is considered meriting.
Want to be on our side?
Then send your resume and application no later than March 17th, 2019. Please notice that we only accept applications through our online recruitment system.
To learn more about the job, please contact Recruiter Ditte Mi Petræus on +45 53813547
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: OTICON A/S
source: DK-STAR
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