Arbejde Test Engineer for Product Development unspecified Nel Hydrogen A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkwODI5NCA3

reference: 4908294

documentId: 4908294

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1542797170270

stillingsbetegnelse: Test Engineer for Product Development


Nel Hydrogen A/S. The company is currently 92 employees and expects to maintain a strong growth in the coming years. The organization is dynamic, and the culture is informal with flexibility as a key word. Nel Hydrogen is a frontrunner when it comes to the development of hydrogen fuel stations used for the refueling of hydrogen vehicles. The market for hydrogen stations will maintain its growth in the coming years, as large-scale production of hydrogen cars, busses and trucks will be launched in 2018 – 2020. Therefore Nel Hydrogen is in the process of developing the next generation of hydrogen fuel stations, which are to be produced in a serial production, which results in busyness throughout the organization and therefore we are now searching for a Test Engineer for the R&D Department.

About the R&D Department and the Position
The R&D organization at Nel Hydrogen develops complex products and new technologies and it includes a wide range of technical competences – Process-, Electrical- and Mechanical, Prototype build-up and Testing.

As Test Engineer in R&D you will be playing a key role as Team Lead and you will be responsible for testing components and products. You will take part in R&D projects with Technology and Development stakeholders. Then, through the different phases of development and product maturing, you will be responsible of the tests phases in coordination with Project Managers.

The key responsibilities of the position include:

Team leadership of the test team

Coordination of tests labs activities
o Ensure safe operations at all time
o Secure that test installations are operational and available
o Maintain test installation
o Propose and coordinate test installation upgrades

Performing tests on components and products
o Interact with R&D teams to identify which tests needs to be performed
o Develop test plan by clarifying sequences and objectives
o Coordinate test team members to build test benches and test prototype
o Execute test plan and produce test reports

About you
To succeed in this position, you need to have several years of experience and a proven track record as Test Engineer on many technical fields (Gas Process-, Electrical- and Mechanical design, Process control, Documentation, Commissioning/Testing). You should have interest for both hands-on tasks as well as team coordination. Ideally you also have experience in hydrogen technologies.
It is important that you can handle multiple tasks at the same time and that you are flexible and can navigate in an often very dynamic environment.

Further we expect that:

  • You have a relevant educational background and a strong technical interest and understanding
  • You have general experience in Process design, Process control, Commissioning/testing
  • You work structured and you are able to see the big picture without letting yourself fall into deep technical topics
  • You are proactive, take ownership of your projects and motivate your team
  • You take the needed decisions within your scope and escalate when necessary
  • Strong communicator – verbal and in written (fluent in English)
  • You are naturally an experienced user of Microsoft Office

Nel Hydrogen offers
You are offered an exciting and innovative job where you become part of the R&D Department, which today consists of 23 employees. R&D is divided into two areas of Research & Technology and Development. You will work in an environment where change is part of everyday life and where you, with your experience and knowledge, will greatly affect the product and the task. As an engineer, you will experience the benefit of Product Development and Production in the same house a little further down the hallway, so you have the opportunity to see and touch the results of your work.

Nel Hydrogen has just moved to a new factory in completely new environments in Lind, Herning and offers employees a wide range of benefits such as a good canteen, health insurance and massage.

Application and contact
Please send you application and CV online,as soon as possible. We are doing interviews on an ongoing basis.

Starting date: as soon as possible.

If you want to hear more about the position, please feel free to contact: Kristian Reinevald +45 96 60 32 00

About Nel Hydrogen |
Nel Hydrogen is a global, dedicated hydrogen company, delivering optimal solutions to produce, store and distribute hydrogen from renewable energy. The company serves industries, energy and gas companies with leading hydrogen technology. Since its foundation in 1927, Nel Hydrogen has had a proud history of development and continual improvement of hydrogen plants. The hydrogen solutions cover the entire value chain from hydrogen production technologies to manufacturing of hydrogen fueling stations, providing all fuel cell electric vehicles with the same fast fueling and long outreach as conventional vehicles have today.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Nel Hydrogen A/S

source: DK-STAR


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