Arbejde Inside Sales Manager Nordics & Benelux unspecified ApS - jobtilbud

id: NDkxMjk0OSA3

reference: 4912949

documentId: 4912949

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1543837879283

stillingsbetegnelse: Inside Sales Manager Nordics & Benelux

jobbeskrivelse: is a Danish born social media management platform rapidly expanding our presence in several markets including the Nordics and the Benelux. The Inside Sales Manager will be responsible for managing a team of sales development representatives whose primary focus will be on opportunity generation within the respective market.What you'll do:

    • You will directly report into the Director of Inside Sales and be held responsible for weekly & monthly forecasting, training & ongoing learning and development efforts, and be on the ground providing support, coaching, and feedback to your team  
    • Involved directly in the hiring, coaching, and development of the SDR team to help them master the skills across sales development including cold-calling, Falcon’s go-to-market strategy, understanding our ideal customer profile and personas, facilitating discovery calls, all with the aim of booking qualified opportunities for the Account Executive team
    • Manage the day to day activities of the SDR team including coaching and mentoring, being on top of the team’s pipeline, and understand key metrics and conversions
    • Stay attentive and be responsible to monitor Team Performance using Business Intelligence data. With this data, you have to be able to spot future developments and be prepared to act on negative trends in time
    • Identifying opportunities and providing recommendations to help further improve our processes with the aim to increase productivity and efficiencies on the team 
    • Manage and own both team and individual projects to ensure optimal execution and adoption relevant to the team’s success 
    • Contribute in identifying new business opportunities and market segments for the SDR team to penetrate, developing playbooks, talk tracks, and emails in tandem with the Inside Sales Management EMEA as well as the wider team 
    • Conduct personal and career development discussions with the goal of grooming and preparing high performing SDR’s into the next steps in their career 

What you have:

    • Proven track record of exceeding targets in a sales role and also 1-2 years experience with managing teams
    • Experience working with Salesforce, knowing how to utilise it on a basic level to pull key reports, and create dashboards 
    • You should be data and metrics driven with the goal of understanding the key numbers that drive activity and production
    • Natural charismatic leader and a team player - you’ll have the passion and ability to lead a team of people and be able to inspire your direct team and others around you 
    • You are ready to tackle any challenge or problem (big or small) that may come your way and be solutions oriented 
    • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English is a must and any Nordic or Benelux language is an added bonus, but not essential.

How we sell:

    • We build our opportunity pipeline by identifying ideal industry verticals and persons with relevant outreach utilizing a breadth of touchpoint through cold-calling, emailing, social media, and other relevant forms of communication 
    • Understanding key trends working alongside marketing to identify and penetrate into new business segments 
    • We work with both effort and performance based KPIs at individual and team level, setting high standards on all provides a unified SaaS platform for social media listening, engaging, publishing and managing customer data. We enable our clients to explore the full potential of digital marketing by managing multiple customer touch points from one platform. Our platform has already achieved great international traction in the market, with its technology endorsed by partnerships with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Founded as Falcon Social in Copenhagen in 2010, we now also have offices in New York City, Berlin, Budapest, Melbourne, and Sofia. We’re a highly diverse team, and we’re always looking for passionate and curious people who want to be part of a fast-paced, high-energy environment.APPLY FOR THIS JOB

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: ApS

source: DK-STAR


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