Arbejde Havredals Privatedagpleje søger vikar Midtjylland Havredals private dagpleje - jobtilbud
Søger en barselsvikar til min dagpleje i Havredal fra 1 sep. eller efter aftale og ca. et år frem. Søger en vikar som • er moden og ansvarsbevidst • er glad for at omgåes børn i alderen 1 til 3 år • er ærlig og jordnær • skal kunne trives i mit hjem • kan lide udelivet lige meget vejret • er kreativ og kan lide at synge Arbejdstiderne hedder ofte fra kl 7-16, men svinger lidt fra dag til dag. Børne og straffeattest skal vises, og samtidig godkendes af Viborg kommune i tilfælde af ansættelse. Er dette noget for dig så send mig en mail på havredalsprivatedagpleje (at) med evt. anbefalinger og andet relevans eller mød personligt op med din ansøgning på Stendalsvej 3, 7470 Karup. Ansøgningsfristen er d. 9 aug. 2014 med samtaler i uge 33. Har du ikke hørt noget fra mig inden d. 16 aug. 2014 er stillingen besat til anden side. Har du spørgsmål er du meget velkommen til at kontakte mig på 20713755
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Havredals private dagpleje
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 20713755
Sådan ansøger: havredalsprivatedagpleje (at)
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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Application Consultant – BI solutions -
Analytikerarbejde inden for ledelse og virksomhedsorganisation
Would you like to influence the full life cycle of our BI solutions and help ensure that decision makers in Grundfos will make fact based business decisions every day? BI Solutions consists of 17 colleagues
GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Application Manager -
Ingeniørarbejde inden for miljø
Hvad tilbyder vi? Would you like to use your technical skills to play a key role in shaping Grundfos´ future business within Building Services and develop new products and solutions? And do you want to realise your ambitions in a company where we
GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Blade Integrity Fleet Engineer (187945) -
Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion
For our Blade Integrity Team we are looking for a highly skilled Blade Integrity Fleet Engineer. The Blade Integrity Team is responsible for the design of new blades, development of core technologies, blade operations in general and fleet monitoring activities.
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Blikkenslager -
Møgelhøj Blik søger en uddannet blikkenslager til tiltrædelse hurtigst muligt. Der er tale om rent blik arbejde og arbejdet varierer mellem moderne og traditionelt arbejde. Interesserede kan ringe til Christian Møgelhøj
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Commercial Sales Manager (214263 -
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For the Service Sales and Proposals Department in region EMEA, we are looking for a Commercial Sales Manager to take care of the financial and contractual elements of our sales projects. The department is overall responsible for the sale of service and
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Condition Monitoring Chief Engineer (190565) -
Ingeniørarbejde inden for elektronik
For our System Control Department in R&D at our global engineering head office in Brande, Denmark, we are looking for a Condition Monitoring Chief Engineer. The department is responsible for delivering control features solutions on system level, from
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ECM Specialist (181581) -
For the ECM and Implementation Standards, within our Global Industrial Engineering department, we are looking for an ECM Specialist. Our team develop, implement and maintain the standards for ECM handling in our Nacelle plants. Furthermore, we cover the
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Experienced tester with extensive testing knowledge -
Testers at Systematic are part of ensuring that we maintain a very high quality level in the development of our products and solutions for our customers – and are very much a part of making a different in terms of Systematic’s success and for the
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Group Business Controller -
Revisions- og regnskabscontrollerarbejde
Would you like to work in depth with performance management in a global company? Do you want to help shape and implement solutions leading to world-class performance management? And are you ambitious about developing your competencies and expanding your
GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
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For the Global Maritime & Aviation Solutions (MAS) team in Service Wind Power we are looking for a Head of Implementation & Asset Management to secure safe and effective operations of all Siemens
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Indkøber til Ordreproducerende Virksomhed -
Ordreproducerende virksomhed i køkkenbranchen søger en indkøber Grundet stor travlhed søges en Indkøber til vores dynamiske virksomhed. Dine daglige opgaver vil omfatte: -Daglig disponering af en lang række materialer -Vedligeholdelse af lager data -Estimering
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Ledig sekretærstilling på Studsgård Friskole -
Studsgård Friskole ligger blot 6 min eller to stop med tog fra Herning i retning mod Kibæk. Vi er en Grundtvig-koldsk friskole centralt beliggende i en lille aktiv og foreningsstærk landsby. • Professionalisme • Sammenhold & fællesskab • Respekt • Trivsel • Passion
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Logistics Engineers for supply chain planning -
Andet arbejde inden for forretningsservice
Would you like one-of-a-kind career opportunity within logistics? Do you wish to experience a steep learning curve in a diverse position that will challenge your theoretical capabilities and build on your knowledge within logistics? Then join the Supply
GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Maintenance Specialist-140000XW -
Transport &Handling is a part of Technology & Service Solutions (TSS), Vestas R&Dorganization. The department is accountable for developing and maintainingstandard work processes and tools for Transport, Installation and Maintenanceof wind turbines. Responsibilities: Transport& Handling
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Platform Quality Lead (226450) -
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For our Platform Management Team we are looking for a highly skilled and experienced Platform Quality Lead to drive the development of our new wind turbines to the next level of our Zero Defect ambition.
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Project Buyer / Project Commodity Manager (164109) -
Arbejde med analyse og rådgivning inden for HR
For our Onshore Project Procurement organization covering the regions EMEA and APAC (excl. China), we are looking for a Project Buyer / Project Commodity Manager. The Project Procurement organization consists of 15 employees divided into two departments:
Siemens A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Project Coordinator - Maternity cover, Part-time-150001YU -
Ledelse af hovedaktiviteten inden for fremstillingsvirksomhed (undtagen landbrug, skovbrug og fiskeri)
Transport & Handling is a department within Vestas R&D organization, Technology & Service Solutions (TSS). TSS is a cornerstone of Vestas and is shaping the future of modern energy by developing
Vestas Wind System A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
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Ledelse inden for anden forretningsservice og andre administrative funktioner
For the Product Lifecycle Management department in Service Wind Power we are looking for an experienced Project Manager to drive the product development of our Service Programs and Modernizations and Upgrades.
Siemens A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Quality Engineer (210159) -
Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion
For our Quality Excellence department within Business Excellence in Operations Nacelle we are looking for a Strong Quality Engineer preferably with experience in working with both quality and EHS. The department is part of the quality and EHS organization
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Senior Buyer (187867) -
Andet arbejde inden for forretningsservice
For our Towers Module within the wind power business in Brande, Denmark we are looking for a Senior Buyer. You will be responsible for optimizing supply, working cross-functionally and taking into account optimization of the total cost of ownership. What
Siemens A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Senior Buyer, Strategic sourcing (179772) -
Ingeniørarbejde inden for miljø
For the Service Strategic Procurement Department, which is part of our Service Supply Chain organization in Brande in Denmark, we are looking for a strategic sourcing colleague, with ambitions to contribute to one of the world’s leading wind turbine
Siemens A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Senior Consultant Procure to Pay-1400018D -
For an ambitious and experienced procurement / sourcing / finance profile, Vestas offers a unique senior position which requires extensive stakeholder and consulting skills. It is essential that you will take the lead in key knowledge/process areas which have a great level of complexity, large cross
Vestas Wind Systems A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Senior Project Manager (166129) -
For our Process and Master Data team in Technology, part of the Service organization at Siemens Wind Power, we are looking for an experienced Senior Project Manager who can implement and customize our PLM system, called TeamCenter, enabling us to meet the needs of our continuous growth. In our Process
Siemens A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Servicemedarbejdere til restaurant -
Gadesalg (undtagen madvarer)
Tortilla Flats har brug for deltidsansatte servicemedarbejere hurtigst muligt. Du skal servere mad og betjene gæsterne. Send en ansøgning med billede til: Tortilla Flats, mexicansk restaurant Nørregade 10, st. 8700 Horsens. Tlf. 7566
Tortilla Flats Rest. Mexicano v/Erol Karaman - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Structural engineer for Generator (235800) -
Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion
For our Generator Department we are looking for a structural engineer. Continuous improvement of our turbines - without compromising on safety and quality - is one of the corner stones of our culture and time to market is one of our main priorities. Consequently,
Siemens A/S - 2016-09-10 - Midtjylland
Student Worker for Technical Risk Analysis -
For our Risk Team in our PLM Department we are looking for a Student Worker, whose main task will be to support the technical risk evaluation process for PLM. What are my responsibilities? Supporting the technical risk review process. Supporting the development of risk tools. Supporting data mining and
Siemens A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Supplier Quality Engineer - Small Steel Parts (179130) -
Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion
For the Global Supply Quality Nacelle department we are looking for an experienced Supplier Quality Engineer – Small Steel Parts to ensure continuous focus on the qualification process within our Procurement organization. The department has the overall
Siemens A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
System Engineer Specialist -
Hvad tilbyder vi? Would you like to use all your competencies for a wide array of tasks in an international team? Do you see yourself in a challenging job with excellent opportunities for career development? And do you want the freedom to prioritise your
GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Tekniker til - Bruuns Galleri - Århus -
Installation og service inden for informations- og kommunikationsteknologi
Tekniker til i Bruun´s Galleri (Fuldtid) søger en person til at udfylde en fuldtidsstilling som tekniker i vores afdeling i Bruun´s Galleri i Århus C. Vi
IEXPERT ApS - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Warranty Manager, Warranty Management (162422) -
Arbejde med arkitektur, infrastruktur og design
For our Warranty Management department, part of the Service organization at our global head office in Brande, we are looking for a Warranty Manager. The Warranty Management team ensures fair commercial settlements with end-customers in technical matters.
Siemens A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland