Arbejde ECM Specialist (181581) Midtjylland Siemens A/S - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: ECM Specialist (181581)

For the ECM and Implementation Standards, within our Global Industrial Engineering department, we are looking for an ECM Specialist. Our team develop, implement and maintain the standards for ECM handling in our Nacelle plants. Furthermore, we cover the area of Test Assemblies in our prototyping, 0-series and serial production environment. We are looking for a new member of our team, who will work with further increasing the maturity of existing processes, as well as venturing into our not-yet developed standards and setting the scene for how to work with those in the future. What are my responsibilities? Develop processes and standards related to ECM in Supply Chain Participate in defining an ECM setup across Teamcenter and SAP Develop and maintain trainings for the handling of ECOs Driving the implementation of the processes related to introducing product changes in production Set up relevant KPIs for monitoring the ECO implementation process What do I need to qualify for this job? Strong process skills – and preferably relevant education Ability to enable others in defining processes and drive implementation Project management, resource and time scheduling experience English both oral and in writing, and overall good communication skills SAP – Conceptual understanding and user skills in BoM and Production routings In case you have acquired your skills in alternative ways your application is just as well appreciated. What else do I need to know? Siemens is a leading supplier of wind power solutions for onshore, offshore and coastal sites. Denmark is the headquarters of Siemens’ activities in Europe, the Middle East and Africa and the center of our global R&D and engineering activities. Currently, 5,000 employees out of a global staff of more than 9,000 are working at different locations in Denmark. We continuously strive to strengthen our position, and we are therefore looking for bright minds eager to join a dynamic, international organization offering unique opportunities for its employees. Apply online in English for the job. Please note that we will reply by email. We are looking forward to receiving your online application. Please ensure you complete all areas of the application form to the best of you ability as we will use the data to review your suitability for the role. Deadline for Applications: As soon as possible.

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Siemens A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 99 42 22 22

Job kort beskrivelse: Systemadministration

land: Danmark

region: Midtjylland

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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