Arbejde Global Business Developer; Boiler Compliance to Global Sulphur regulations unspecified ALFA LAVAL AALBORG A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkxOTA3MCA3

reference: 4919070

documentId: 4919070

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1545036965783

Global Business Developer; Boiler Compliance to Global Sulphur regulations


We create better everyday conditions for people. We do this by contributing to a more sustainable future through engineering innovation. We love what we do and we’re good at it. But now we want to be even better! We’re looking for a passionate Business Developer to our Global Service – Boiler Compliance Task force. So, what are you going to do today?

Ownership of sales and full activity chain
As our new Global Business Developer, you will take responsibility for ensuring service offerings are matching Sulphur Regulations within Boiler Compliance. You will be involved in the full activity chain from getting customer insight, market reports, lead generation, lead screening, quotation strategy, quotation execution, securing of order, handover of project to Project Management and Operations.

You will take ownership and responsibility for driving sales and achieving sales and profitability targets.

Your key responsibilities will be:
·Development of technical and commercial market insights
·Carry out customer visits, calls, and accompany sales companies, using these visits as opportunities to train and strengthen the sales resources ability to close projects
·Defining sales targets and margin levels
·Be the main input provider to Product Management for existing product development
·Qualify leads generated together with sales companies in order to ensure that time is spent on qualified projects leading to orders
·Training of sales companies to ensure that they are able to screen and qualify leads, sell the product, commission and service the product
·Coordinate the quotation process involving all key stakeholders service operations, E&S, SC, product management
·Together with sales companies, develop a clear strategy for each specific quote
·Be the product specialist and drive the development of product marketing material and support sales material development

For this position you must expect travel activity of 50 – 60% of your time. And to be successful you must be determined and focused on delivering results.

Cultural team player with strong background
You have a technical degree combined with several years of experience with the maritime field. From a similar position you know the service and repair market and perhaps even boiler and burner repairs. You are a strong communicator in English both verbally and in writing.

As a person you thrive with a busy schedule, with many different tasks which you are good at structuring and creating the overview of. Being a team player is in your genes and you have good people skills that goes beyond cultural borders. You have high impact on the business and are courageous also in times of change.

We offer you
A challenging position in a fast-growing area and a result-oriented working environment with energetic and engaged colleagues around you. We operate in an international environment and help each other to develop and create value. Your work will have true impact on the Boiler service area and its future success.

At Alfa Laval we believe in work-life balance, have flexible working hours, sports and training facilities on-site, and offer an attractive pension and insurance scheme, incl. healthcare arrangements.

Application and information
We look forward to receiving your application no later than 7 January 2019. For further information please contact Business & Market Development Manager Martin Hansen at +45 9930 4212

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: ALFA LAVAL AALBORG A/S

source: DK-STAR


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