Arbejde Frontend Architect unspecified HESEHUS A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkwODIzMCA3

reference: 4908230

documentId: 4908230

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1542796265720

stillingsbetegnelse: Frontend Architect


Hesehus develops ambitious ecommerce solutions on the .NET platform and is looking for a skilled Frontend Architect, who wants to set the direction for frontend development and draw the architecture for our solutions.

What are we offering?

You will become a part of one of the largest developer environments on Funen, that consist of more than 50 dedicated and highly qualified developers and architects.

As a Frontend Architect you will become part of the architect team and will be responsible for setting the direction for the frontend development in Hesehus. You will work specifically with specification, implementation and continuous development of e-commerce solutions for some of the most interesting and ambitious customers. As Frontend Architect you will draw the architecture for our solutions and ensure that complex flows are carefully implemented. You can expect a dynamic and challenging workday, where your technical knowledge and competences will be put into play. 

As a member of our team, you will be part of a vibrant and challenging environment consisting of highly qualified and committed colleagues. Our commitment shows in the professional work with a strong focus on knowledge sharing and development. Hesehus Academy Fridays give you room for immersion and free play to try out new technologies. We also place great value on social arrangements both in our teams as well as across the organization. We cherish a healthy, informal and fun working environment.      

Your primary tasks:

  • Knowledge sharing about frontend architecture and technical dialogue with the developers and software architects
  • Setting the standard for strong frontend code 
  • Definition of best practices principles 
  • Definition of the frontend interface 
  • Knowledge sharing about methods, frameworks and approaches to frontend development 
  • Ensure that the architectural model meets Hesehus’ high quality standards and that the right technological decisions are made on each project
  • Participate in customer meetings/workshops and preliminary analyzes, including clarification of needs and functionality with customers
  • Estimation and break down of projects to use cases and wireframes
  • Code “janitor”: bugfixing, code reviews and feedback to the developers
  • Explore new trends and provide proof of concept on new technologies before tested on customer projects. 

Who are you?  You have a higher education within IT and a passion for frontend development combined with years of experience as a full-stack developer or architect. It is a prerequisite that you have experience with JavaScript frameworks like React, as well as technologies like Typescript and Bootstrap. You have experience with app development (eg. React Native or Cordova) and know how to work with dynamic pages such as .NET MVC. In addition, you have an understanding of server side functionality and you also know how to connect frontend and backend. You are strong in architecture models like Clean Architecture, DDD and N-tier. 

We emphasize that you have professional pride in your work and constantly strive to improve and develop yourself and others. We expect to be challenged by your passion and curiosity for new technologies. It is important that you are business oriented and can translate the customers’ business needs into technical solutions. If you are familiar with the .NET platform and have experience developing ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core web solutions, as well as domain knowledge within B2C and B2B e-commerce, you are ahead in points. 

Hesehus add-ons:

  • Great influence on own career with staff development interviews two times a year.
  • Family friendly and flexible working hours
  • Parental leave with good conditions
  • Free health insurance 
  • Company lunch program + snacks, coffee and fruit available all day
  • Breakfast Friday morning and Friday bar
  • Possibility to buy dinner for the whole family
  • Beautiful premises located centrally at the harbour in Odense with free parking 
  • Masseuse arrangement without self-payment
  • Running Club
  • Great discount program including LogBuy
  • Social activities all year round eg. Family day, soccer tournament and poker evening.


Apply for the job

We offer a competitive salary based on your experience, as well as pension and healthcare insurance. We interview on an ongoing basis and employ when we find the right person for the job. 

We look forward to hearing from you. 

If you have any questions, please contact Search and Recruitment Consultant, Christina Hupfeldt at chu (at) or +45 24 65 06 46. 

Hesehus A/S is an IT company with 90 employees located on the harbour of Odense. We specialise in the development of ambitious e-commerce solutions. We provide the market’s most complete software platform targeted at B2C and B2B companies that wish to invest strategically online and make e-commerce one of their primary sales channels. Hesehus A/S was founded in 2002, has been appointed as Gazelle Company three times, has several top positions in the competition for the E-Commerce Prize, has twice been appointed “best at making results” by MyImage and received the Danish Chamber of Commerce’s prize, the Relay Race of Knowledge in 2011 as Denmark’s most promising growth company and was in 2016 again elected as one of Denmark’s best workplaces®


numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: HESEHUS A/S

source: DK-STAR


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