Arbejde Senior Quality Professional to External Manufacturing & Suppliers Quality unspecified LEO PHARMA A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4901387
documentId: 4901387
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1541495470276
Senior Quality Professional to External Manufacturing & Suppliers Quality
A key operational challenge for LEO Pharma will be to ensure GXP and Regulatory compliance in an expanding and increasingly complex network of external manufacturing partners and suppliers. We are therefore looking for a new colleague in External Manufacturing & Suppliers Quality.
About our department
You will be joining an international group of skilled and dedicated QA professionals. Our department plays an important role in the quality management of external manufacturers as well as suppliers of materials and services within GMP and GDP.
Beyond QA responsibilities in relation to specific Contract Manufacturer Organizations (CMOs) you will get opportunities to influence the development of a world class Quality Management System for LEO External Manufacturing and to utilize your professional competences in a small dedicated team of Quality professionals.
QA approach based on Quality Oversight and Quality Risk Management
It is our defined goal to succeed in providing continuous quality oversight of LEOs CMOs. You will act as the CMO's one point of contact regarding quality issues. In this role you will;
- Establishment and maintain solid, robust and transparent Quality Agreements as framework for the quality related partnership with the CMOs
- Ensure close Quality relations with CMOs including regularly meetings
- Periodic quality reviews such as PQR’s
By joining the team you will have an outstanding opportunity to use and develop your professional and personal competences and to contribute to business critical partnerships. Our functional area is developing fast and you must be ready to tackle new challenges in a fast changing professional working environment. You must do this across professional and cultural borders while involving multiple stakeholders internally and externally. Expected travel days will be a maximum of 10-20 days per year, primarily outside Denmark.
Master of Science with excellent QA skills
You hold a university degree within Pharmacy, Engineering or a similar discipline and you have at least 5 years of relevant experience from the pharmaceutical industry. If you have been working in a similar position, with CMO management it will be considered an advantage.
You are recognised for your ability to deliver excellent QA results without compromising your personal integrity and long term perspective. You tackle a wide range of tasks and make fast decisions often by involvement of your colleagues.
External Manufacturing & Suppliers Quality – your new work place
You will join a smaller group of international, skilled and dedicated QA professionals residing within QA for Finished Goods Manufacturing. Your colleagues are having the same role as you meaning you will have great opportunities to share knowledge and contribute to creating best-in-class processes and tools.
We share office with our colleagues in External Manufacturing. We also share aspirations towards being known to be open-minded and ambitious while never forgetting that people who have fun create the best results.
Further information and application deadline
In case you have any further questions, please reach out to Senior Manager Lene Due Svensson at +45 9393 2710.
Deadline for submitting your application is Sunday November 18th. Please be aware that we will screen and call for interviews on an ongoing basis throughout the application period.
We look forward to receiving your application.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEO PHARMA A/S
source: DK-STAR
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