Arbejde Front-End Developer Syddanmark ORDBOGEN A/S - jobtilbud
'deets on the job? The team you will be working on comes complete with lots of coffee and cake and is equipped with a dedicated Scrum Master and Product Owner. On a day to day basis, you get to work on significantly improving the usability and responsive design of the product ( for students and teachers. You have a team of digital designers working alongside you to make your web design dreams come true. ((((Necessary qualifications are as follows...)))) - Expert in Semantic HTML5 / CSS3 / JavaScript (AngularJS/ReactJS) (3+ years career experience) - Master in responsive/adaptive design practises - Advanced knowledge of Grid Systems - Bootstrap or Foundation - Knowledge and experience with Google API - Experience in test-driven development with suites like Jasmine/Karma or qUnit - Creative storyteller - Understanding of PHP and MySQL - Experience working with agile development methods (Scrum/Kanban) in a team-setting Who are you? You've got that 'je ne sais quoi'- that sparkly personality that's hard to describe. You have talent. You have drive to succeed. You love the company you work for. You are better everyday. You love to be part of a team, a family. You are results orientated. You are quality conscious and results driven. You are Ordbogen. Who are we? We are a young, innovative and visionary company specialising in the field of translation and learning. Our products include: online dictionaries written in 60+ languages and online learning programs (Educas and Grammatip) written in 4. We are currently Denmark's largest online dictionary company. Inside our 4 walls, we're a big, awesome family. We have the innovation and flexibility of a start-up. We are over 15 nationalities speaking over 20 languages. We are pioneers in work/life balance. We believe in educating and growing our employees. We are ever-growing and expanding. We want to conquer the world and be it's foremost language and translation tool. We are Ordbogen.
Arbejdsgiver Navn: ORDBOGEN A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 66126000
Job kort beskrivelse: Softwareudvikling
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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