Arbejde Engineer within DSP and audiology Hovedstaden OTICON A/S - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: Engineer within DSP and audiology

Lokation DK - Smørum .Do you want to be part of R&D in Oticon with focus on Audiological Design & Signal Processing? We offer you a chance to be part of our R&D unit with focus designing and creating audiological solutions for our hearing aids - from design of acoustic measurements to end user testing. The position Audiological Design & Signal Processing consists of approx. 20 employees. The unit works with the design of audiological solutions using digital signal processing and a C# based fitting tool. You can look forward to a balanced position with a large involvement in the development process. Therefore, your tasks consist of: Design of audiological solutions Optimization and verification of algorithms Test Design and Integration Audiological optimization SW development Preparing for clinical tests Besides the actual product, it is also expected that you will support innovation through ideas, concept work and prototypes. Your background You have a MSc. in engineering, preferably within audiology or digital signal processing. Additionally, we look for your solid experience in psychoacoustics, audio and signal processing. You may have participated in the development of several "consumer" products and thus gained experience ensuring the desired performance of the final product. More specifically, you recognize experience with the following: Audiology/Algorithm design and implementation in Matlab / Simulink/C# Integration and testing technically and clinically Acoustic measurements Support innovation through ideas, concept work and prototypes As a person, you thrive working with the entire development process and you are motivated by following your tasks to completion. At the same time, you are a strong team player who puts the team's performance and goals above your own individual views and needs. You have a proactive and dynamic behavior. You work well with seeking out knowledge and information in order to perform your tasks. We expect you to be fluent in English. We dare to make a difference Together with your talented colleagues who take pride in making a difference; you will have the opportunity to put your mark on tomorrow's solutions. We are at the forefront of the latest technology, constantly working to improve hearing solutions for our users so that we can strengthen and develop the business. You will be working in a growing international company, where there is rich opportunity for professional and personal development. You will be part of a dynamic environment built on trust and openness, where you will find a strong will to win. Want to join the team? Then send your application no later than 7th june 2015. However, do send it today, as we are screening candidates on a continuous basis. If you would like to know more about the position, you are welcome to contact recruiter, Anja Jørgensen + 45 5117 6751 Oticon 500 million people worldwide suffer from hearing loss. It is Oticon's ambition that our customers - hearing clinics throughout the world - prefer to use our products for people with impaired hearing. Oticon is one of the two largest companies in the industry, and in Denmark all 1,300 employees, with passion, dedication and professional expertise, develop some of the most innovative hearing aids in the world. Oticon is an international growing company, and 98% of Group revenues is generated outside Denmark. We are part of William Demant Holding Group with more than 8.500 employees and revenues of over DKK 9 billion.

Arbejdsgiver Navn: OTICON A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 39177100

Arbejdsgiver faxnummer: 39277900

Job kort beskrivelse:
Andet ingeniørarbejde (undtagen elektroteknologi)

land: Danmark

region: Hovedstaden

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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