Arbejde Engineer for Embedded Software Development Midtjylland SKOV A/S GLYNGØRE - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: Engineer for Embedded Software Development

SKOV is looking to develop its software department and is thus seeking skilled and ambitious software developer for our R&D department in Glyngøre, Denmark. You will be part of a software department that maintains existing products and develops the production and ventilation systems of the future. You will join a team of other skilled software developers, who work with operations and further development of our existing portfolio that includes climate and production computers for poultry. Your working day will be exciting and varied, involving contact to many colleagues both in and outside the project team. We are using Agile methods and SCRUM, and your role will be an active one throughout the development process. You will have the opportunity to follow the product development process from analysis and specification, design and development through to final participation in the test and follow-up at the customer. Your primary tasks will be programming in C and C++ for control systems that are run on a Linux-based ARM platform, and where we currently use a combination of UML/Rhapsody and Visual Studio for software development. Your profile: You are a discerning and result-oriented person for whom software development is a passion. You are a skilled software developer with a deep understanding and enthusiasm for working with complex systems. Working together in smaller teams comes naturally to you, and you find it easy to collaborate with our English-speaking colleagues based in Germany and Malaysia. Your professional background is anchored in software development and you are qualified in computer science, computer engineering or similar. It is an advantage if you have experience with the development of user interfaces as well as technologies such as Ethernet, CAN or test automation. Our basic values are grounded in “the will to win, cooperation and change”, which we expect you to be able to live up to.. SKOV offers: Being a global concern and having a unique know-how and a strong product portfolio, SKOV A/S can offer professional challenges and career opportunities. The company has its headquarters in Glyngøre, Denmark, a subsidiary in Thailand and sales offices in 10 countries. SKOV employs more than 320 skilled and committed employees, and you will be part of our R&D Department staff of 60 employees, in an attractive development environment that leaves room for adding a personal touch to processes and results. The work environment is informal, and you are offered good working conditions incorporating flexibility and freedom with responsibility. The company is doing well, and because the global potential is great, we expect further growth in the coming years. This requires the ability to set the course, to professionalise and to increase efficiency. Because of this, we can offer an exciting and varied job in a dynamic and results-oriented company practising an open-minded company culture. For the right person, it is a perfect time to get on board and influence development. Application: If you are interested in the job, please send your application, including resume and any other relevant enclosures, marked “embedded software developer”. We are assessing applications on an ongoing basis, so send your application as soon as possible, and no later than 27 June 2016 to HumanResources (at) Alternatively you can post it to SKOV A/S, FAO: Louise Dorset, Hedelund 4, Glyngøre, 7870 Roslev, Denmark.

Arbejdsgiver Navn: SKOV A/S GLYNGØRE

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 72 17 55 55

Job kort beskrivelse: Systemanalytikerarbejde

land: Danmark

region: Midtjylland

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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