Arbejde Market Analysis Specialist Midtjylland Vestas Wind Systems A/S - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: Market Analysis Specialist

Market Analysis, TSS Product Management. TSS Product Management is a central function of Vestas Wind Systems A/S Headquarter, domiciled in Aarhus, Denmark. The function is placed under the CTO area in the Technology and Service Solutions Business Unit. TSS Product Management handles tasks within the following main areas: Product Market Strategy, Product and Solutions Roadmaps, Go to Market, Product Launch Management, Market, customer and competitor insights, Value and Business Case Management, Value Modelling and Cost of Energy Monitoring. Market Analysis, a newly established team in TSS Product Management, is responsible for ensuring strong decision making through fact-based and timely market analyses. We focus mainly on developing and putting to use the following areas: Market segments, drivers and competitiveness Market requirements Targeted deep-dives You will play a central role in developing these areas and in shaping the Product Market Strategy, Product, Service and Solutions Roadmaps and other strategic areas in Vestas. In this, you will work with a wide array of stakeholders across the organization, hierarchy and globe. Responsibilities: Drive strategic analyses within market segmentation, drivers and competitiveness, market requirements and targeted deep-dives Ensure value creation through strong, fact-based analyses supported by subject matter experts Ensure value capture through decision maker buy-in, assisting in putting findings from analyses into action and by ensuring relevant information is shared with those who need it Drive culture by challenging key assumptions, beliefs and stakeholders Together with key stakeholders, identify, collect and structure relevant market input Qualifications: A relevant Master's degree, most likely within Business Administration or Strategy. Alternatively, Engineering background with a subsequent relevant business degree / relevant courses Excellent analytical and communicative skills Strong skillset within Excel and Powerpoint Proficient in English A minimum of 2-3 years’ experience, ideally from a larger international company or consultancy firm Experience with the Wind Energy Sector and the renewable Industry will be a strong qualifier – either from within the industry or as a market analyst Competencies: The ideal candidate has the following personal competences: Proactive, open minded and result-oriented Can transform the complex into something simple with clear conclusions and recommendations that decision makers understand without losing critical detail Strong proven ability and will to work with a wide array of stakeholders across the organization, hierarchy and globe to secure build-up of commitment and trustworthy relationships Proven understanding of and ability to maneuverer in delicate political situations with strong influential stakeholders Can work independently, make strong and sound decisions and manage conflicting priorities in a fast-paced environment Structured, unbiased and fact-driven approach to tasks and assignments with the ability to work under tight deadlines without losing critical detail Enthusiastic approach to work, colleagues and surroundings What we offer: You will be working together with a team of highly qualified colleagues in a very innovative and forward looking department in one of the most interesting industries and companies in the world. We offer an exciting job in a project-orientated organization with excellent opportunities for professional and personal development in an inspiring environment at the world’s leading wind turbine producer. You are offered a unique opportunity within a fast growing business with demanding tasks and many challenges and you will be offered a competitive salary including pension and Bonus Scheme Experience the forces of wind Join Vestas and work with cutting-edge wind technology As one of the world leaders in wind power solutions with wind turbine installations in over 65 countries and more than 16.00

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Vestas Wind Systems A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 97300000

Job kort beskrivelse: Arbejde inden for finans og økonomi

land: Danmark

region: Midtjylland

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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