Arbejde Electronic Test Engineer - Software specialist Midtjylland GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S - jobtilbud
Do you have a solid understanding of software development? Would you like to work with electronic test solutions that have a great impact on Grundfos’ products? Exceed limits by chasing innovative test solutions At Grundfos Development Engineering you will be part of an innovative environment and get a unique opportunity to: ? Develop new test technologies for electronics production ? Think creatively to strengthen our software platforms and architectures ? Be part of the entire process from idea conception to final test solutions What do we offer? Electronic Test Engineering department develop, build and deliver electronic test equipment to the Grundfos Electronic Production sites. The team consists of 15 dedicated specialists with highly specialized knowledge within the fields of test solutions for electronic production. We work project-based in a culture that is characterised by the determination to succeed and reach our goals. Together we are responsible for defining test requirements, specifying and developing the optimal test solutions for Grundfos' electronics for advanced/intelligent pumps and pump systems. We work on software platforms based on LabView and TestStand. The TestStand environment is Grundfos developed. A part of the development and manufacturing of test equipment takes place in cooperation with international partners, while strategically important test equipment is handled internally. Deliveries are test systems for production including In Circuit Testers for PCB, Functional Testers for PCB, Final Assembly Testers and Reliability Testers for integrated control boxes. As well we deliver test- and calibration systems for Sensor production. Hvad drejer jobbet sig om? As our new Test Engineer for software development, you will cooperate with the Electronic Production Sites and R&D to define the test requirements for new electronics products and conversion into specifications for the test equipment. By internal development and manufacturing of test equipment you will be a part of the technical responsible team. Team responsibilities consist of tester concept/design, partner deliveries, FAT/SAT verification/approvals, securing the technical documentation, and handover to production. Further you will be involved in developing new software/test platforms. Hvad skal der til for at ansøge? Outgoing Engineer who can work with specialized tasks and holistic solutions ? You hold a Degree in Electronic/Software Engineering ? You have a strong understanding of software development and engineering ? It is an advantage if you have some experience working with LabView and TestStand tools and with engineering of test equipment ? Your English is at a high level both in writing and verbally You focus on the goals knowing that the best results are achieved by dedication and paying attention to the process. You have an eye for details and at the same time you are able to maintain the overall view of the test solutions. Your excellent communication skills enable you to explain the solutions in a simple way, for efficient contribution to your team. Finally, you work independently and dedicated to ensure excellent test solutions. You will function as a close sparring partner to our development partners by providing technical guidance, ensuring that the test solutions meet the requirements, approving test equipment, etc. This takes you travelling approximately 10-20 days a year.
Arbejdsgiver Navn: GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 87501400
Job kort beskrivelse: Ingeniørarbejde inden for elektronik
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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