Arbejde Experienced scientist for in vitro feed enzyme research, DuPont Feed Enzyme Development Midtjylland DUPONT NUTRITION BIOSCIENCES APS - jobtilbud

Experienced scientist for in vitro feed enzyme research, DuPont Feed Enzyme Development

Together, We Can Solve the World’s Greatest Challenges The solution to many of the most fundamental challenges facing the world today can be found in science. But providing for the food, energy and safety needs of a growing population will require more than science alone. It will require many people working together to devise solutions that improve the lives of people everywhere. DuPont has a rich history of scientific discovery that has enabled countless innovations and today, we’re looking for more people, in more places, to collaborate with us to make life the best it can be. About DuPont Industrial Biosciences DuPont Industrial Biosciences comprises an unmatched portfolio of capabilities in industrial biotechnology and biobased solutions. The unique combination of agricultural, biotechnology, chemical and material science capabilities allows DuPont Industrial Biosciences to deliver cost-effective products with superior performance and sustainability aspects to a range of industries. Bringing together the expertise from Danisco, Genencor, and DuPont has yielded a unique combination of strengths in enzyme technology, materials science, and bioprocessing. We call it Powered by DuPont™ Genencor® Science. It’s what powers the innovations to help solve some of the world’s greatest challenges. To advance our development capabilities within animal nutrition, we are looking for an experienced scientist within in vitro feed enzyme research. Today we use in vitro methods, based on relevant substrates, reflecting monogastric animal conditions. We want to strengthen this work by even more predictable methods, which have a higher correlation to animal trials. You are able to support the implementation of advanced in vitro model systems and support the animal nutrition competence in feed enzyme development. Qualifications We are looking for a candidate with a strong profile in microbiology, animal nutrition and – physiology. You will have a previous record in academia or the industry working with animal nutrition and in vitro systems, preferably in relation to optimizing monogastric nutrition using enzymology. Furthermore, we are seeking a person who can take on the people and thought leadership to develop this competence further in our organization. The preferred candidate should have the below competencies/profile: Post Doc experience level, preferably animal nutrition and preferably from an industrial environment Experience with monogastric in vitro systems and experience with animal trials Experience with enzymology/enzyme application Hands on lab experience Experience in microbiology (intestinal microbiology) Leadership skills with potential to become a thought leader within animal nutrition science Furthermore, you should have excellent communication and collaborative skills, since we operate in a global R&D setup Good networking competencies


Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 89435000

Job kort beskrivelse: Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion

land: Danmark

region: Midtjylland

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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