Arbejde Digital Intelligence Analyst unspecified BETTER COLLECTIVE A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4884918
documentId: 4884918
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1538368866470
stillingsbetegnelse: Digital Intelligence Analyst
We are on the lookout for an experienced Digital Intelligence Analyst to optimize our award winning websites and marketing activities. If you would like to play a key role in the optimization of our products and business, then you should apply for the role of Digital Intelligence Analyst in the Digital Intelligence Team in Better Collective.
Better Collective is a seven-time Børsen Gazelle winner developing award-winning products with the vision of making gambling entertaining, transparent and fair. In Better Collective we are more than 250 dedicated and talented employees on a global plan and 120 of us located at our HQ based right in the heart of Copenhagen.
As a Digital Intelligence Analyst, you will be responsible for the overall optimization of Better Collective’s products as well as ensuring advanced tracking of our digital assets. The successful candidate must be able to take ownership of Conversion Rate Optimization activities. This includes the ability to translate analytics into actionable insights, conducting multivariate- and split-test and communicating findings to key stakeholders to ensure data-driven strategic and tactical decisions in the firm. Major tasks involve setting up tracking, conducting quantitative and qualitative user behavior analysis, hypothesis construction, A/B testing and ensuring that findings are implemented with relevant stakeholders.
- 2+ years of relevant experience in Conversion Rate Optimization, digital analytics and tracking implementation with a proven track record from previous positions
- Has experience with tag manager tools such as GTM or DTM
- Is able to analyse, synthesise and effectively communicate results to a wide range of audiences
- Has experience in Web Analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Clicky or other web analytics tools
- Has basic knowledge of statistics
- Is strong within Experience Analytics tools such as Visual Website Optimizer, Hotjar, Clicktale etc.
- Has a high level of commitment, engagement and motivation
- Beneficial with knowledge in HTML and Javascript
Skills within design/sketching/mock-up and copywriting of Value Proposition messaging are not required but definitely a nice addition.
We look forward to hearing from you and accept applications by submitting a motivated application and your CV using the APPLY NOW button until 14th of October 2018. We will process your application quickly and give callbacks continuously.
Expected start date: as soon as possible.
If you have any questions about the position, you are welcome to write to Head of Digital Intelligence, Jacob Hartung at Jhartung(a)
Still carried by the entrepreneurial spirit that founded the company in 2004 we use the passion to constantly develop the company. Not burdened with complex work processes we encourage an open and informal environment and strong unity.
Better Collective is the world’s leading provider of betting tips, bookmaker information and builder of iGaming communities. We enrich the betting experience by giving the users the ability to easily research, identify and find the best odds on thousands of events.
We have been making remarkable results and we pride ourselves in being among the exceptional few Danish companies who have 7 consecutive Børsen Gazelle Awards.
It is crucial to us to attract and retain skilled employees, the working environment is lively and characterised by a pioneering spirit and a global vision.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: BETTER COLLECTIVE A/S
source: DK-STAR
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