Arbejde Commissioning Manager for offshore substations unspecified Ørsted A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg0ODQ1OSA3

reference: 4848459

documentId: 4848459

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1535085233126

stillingsbetegnelse: Commissioning Manager for offshore substations


Do you enjoy travelling and are you ready for expatriation? Do you want to ensure an excellent quality of the electrical and mechanical installation on our offshore substations?


Join us and become Commissioning Manager in the Electrical Installation & Commissioning Mgmt. team where you’ll be responsible for electrical and mechanical installation during construction, testing and commissioning at the fabrication yard and offshore. The Electrical Installation & Commissioning Mgmt. department consists of 20 skilled commissioning managers working at our onshore and offshore sites. You’ll be part of the project team reporting to the project manager.


Your key tasks will be to

  • be responsible for ensuring that electrical and mechanical installation, commissioning and testing are completed on time and live up to the required quality
  • manage a team of supervisors on a daily basis
  • conduct interface management with internal and external stakeholders
  • contribute to the development of the department.


Your competences include that you

  • enjoy travelling and are ready for expatriation within and outside the EU
  • have a master’s (marine engineer/operations engineer) degree in engineering or similar
  • have considerable experience with the installation and commissioning of electrical and mechanical equipment on offshore substations at the fabrication yard and offshore
  • are proactive, collaborative and a good communicator.


Moreover, you have excellent management skills, you speak and write English fluently and thrive in a truly international environment.


Working at Ørsted


To be the frontrunner in the green energy transformation, we invest significantly in innovation and empower our employees to help shape the renewable energy technologies of the future. We cultivate a collaborative, dynamic and diverse work environment and encourage career-long learning and development so our people can realise their full potential.


Would you like to help shape the renewable technologies of the future?


Send your application to us as soon as possible and no later than 31 August 2018, as we’ll be conducting interviews on a continuous basis.


Please don’t hesitate to contact Claus Brandt, Head of Electrical Installation & Commissioning Mgmt., by telephone on +45 99 55 82 03 if you’d like to know more about the position.


Please note that this position will require a formal relocation to Denmark followed by either expatriation or business trips (depending on the business needs) to the country where the project takes place.


About Ørsted Wind Power


Headquartered in Denmark, Ørsted’s 5,600 employees develop, construct and operate offshore wind farms, bioenergy plants and innovative waste-to-energy solutions and provide smart energy products to its customers. Ørsted Wind Power’s 2,200 employees have developed and constructed the largest portfolio of offshore wind farms in Northern Europe, and we’re expanding with international activities in the US and Asia-Pacific. For more information on Ørsted, visit Ø

numberOfPosts: 1


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positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Ørsted A/S

source: DK-STAR


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