Arbejde Delivery Lead unspecified DANFOSS A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4941923
documentId: 4941923
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1549453685236
stillingsbetegnelse: Delivery Lead
Job Description
Danfoss Business System (DBS) is looking for a Delivery Lead to join our team, to drive, coordinate and facilitate work globally, supporting our businesses in executing delivery improvements. This is done by challenging current state, supporting improvement journeys, and assisting in developing optimized ways in which to operate.
In Danfoss customer focus is a key driver for everything we do, and one of our key objectives is to excel in delivery performance to our customers and partners. For our delivery excellence journey, Danfoss Business System DBS is taking the lead across Danfoss, to drive and support our businesses towards delivery excellence.
Background and skills
To be considered for this position, you hold an extensive track-record within Project/Programme Management with customer focus and knowledge from a global multi-cultural environment. You are result driven with strong, influential communication skills and your work style is fact-based and well-structured.
To be successful in this position you need to have:
- Professional work experience in/from a business with international footprint
- Insights and understanding of processes related to Order-to-Delivery
- Demonstrated results in driving Delivery excellence
- Experience in stakeholder management on all levels
- A degree in Business, Technology, Management, Science or equivalent
- Preferably practical experience from Operations Management or similar
- Advanced use of Office-programs.
Responsibilities and key tasks:
- Drive and support Delivery performance in selected geographies
- Stakeholderand risk management
- Develop and manage execution of Delivery excellence plans
- Manage Delivery excellence KPIs and PIs
- Develop and maintain global standards; to enable industrialization
- Team leadership, performance management, and coordination.
As we operate everywhere, where our businesses, partners, and customers may be, the right candidate must be flexible to travel extensively.
We are Engineering Tomorrow
The world faces growing populations, booming urbanization and rapid climate change. At Danfoss, we engineer ready-to-use solutions to these challenges. We build energy-efficient solutions that reduce food loss and make cities cleaner – using digital technology to make systems smarter and more connected – and we engineer innovative new ways to save energy and transition to clean energy for the good of our climate.
Join Danfoss
Danfoss gives you unique opportunities to put your skills to good use, make an impact and shape an exciting career. We encourage employees to take charge, do extraordinary things and run the business like it was their own. Danfoss is a high-performance technology company. We give you opportunities to learn and grow – both professionally and personally – while still maintaining a healthy work/life balance. Join Danfoss to be part of a world-class team of over 27,000 people in 56 countries that engineer tomorrow and build a better future.
For more information about the position, please contact Head of D2C, Troels Birkedal +45 2170 1581. For information regarding the process, please contact Senior Recruiter, Marie H.-Kristensen +45 2860 5891.
Danfoss is an EO employer and VEVRAA Federal Contractor. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or other protected category.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: DANFOSS A/S
source: DK-STAR
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