Arbejde Controller (Maternity cover) (12984) unspecified Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4917119
documentId: 4917119
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1544606168116
stillingsbetegnelse: Controller (Maternity cover) (12984)
Division Offshore Location: Denmark, Vejle
About Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
With a worldwide installed capacity of 75 GW, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has a presence in more than 90 countries and a team of 25,000 employees worldwide. Its end-to-end value chain presence encompasses onshore and offshores wind turbines design, manufacturing, installation as well as cutting-edge service solutions. The global headquarters and legal domicile of the company is located in Zamudio, Spain. The company are listed on the Spanish stock exchange.
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
Job ID: 12984
Location: Vejle
Organization: Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy in Denmark
Mode of employment: Full Time (Maternity cover for 12 months)
About the position:
We are looking for a dedicated, driven, highly motivated, well-structured and diligent Controller to join our Manpower Services Hub in Vejle, Denmark.
In this role you will work in an experienced team and closely with your technical counterparts accross varies Siemens Gamesa Offshore Departments and support them in order to provide high quality data as well as increase forecast accuracy for their cost centers.
What are my responsibilities?
Cost Center Controlling:
- You are conducting Cost Center controlling and Management reporting for your specific area of responsibility
- You are preparing financial budgets and forecasts
- You are performing ad hoc analyses, reporting and controlling tasks
- You are investigating and understanding deviations and abnormalities between financial submissions (Budget, Forecast, Actuals) and ensuring detailed commenting
- You are conducting timely and correct invoicing / cost transfer for services and deliverables provided by the department
- You will be the main contact person for all commercial topics related to your specific area of responsibility
Other responsibilities:
- You act as key user for various systems (time registration, resource planning, etc.) as required
- You are establishing other financial reporting and data consolidation and analysis
- You support in digitalizing the world of Controlling
What do I need to qualify for this job?
- You hold an university degree in the area of Business Administration, Economics, Finance, Accounting or similar
- You have three to five years' experience in commercial or controlling areas, previous experience from accounting, reporting and controlling tasks in complex environment will be an advantage
- You are result-/solution-oriented, well-structured, diligent and a dedicated team player with strong analytical skills
- You have experience in the use of SAP and Microsoft Office applications (Excel, PowerPoint, Access, VBA); advanced Excel user and programming will be a plus
- You have excellent English skills, both orally and in writing, excellent German will be a plus
- You have good interpersonal skills and are capable of working with people from different cultures and organizational levels
In case you have acquired your skills in alternative ways your application is just as well appreciated.
Other information
If you have specific questions about the position please contact the hiring manager Jacqueline Muehling via phone +45-3037-5906
For further information regarding the recruitment process, please send the recruiting team an email via (at) Please mention the Job ID in the email.
We kindly draw your attention to the fact that this email may NOT be used for sending applications or CVs for evaluation.
Deadline for application: as soon as possible
You may also apply through the following link:
If you want to know more:
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy A/S
source: DK-STAR
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