Arbejde Senior Java Developer unspecified MAERSK LINE A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg2NDg1MSA3

reference: 4864851

documentId: 4864851

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1534331290253

stillingsbetegnelse: Senior Java Developer


Maersk is going through times of unprecedented change. As we aspire to secure sustainable growth of our businesses, we need to re-think the way we engage with our customers and partners. Digitisation and IT are taking centre stage in enabling this engagement. Join us in Transport and Logistics IT as we re-think what technology can do to drive growth. 

If you are passionate about the strategic value of integration architecture and are fulfilled by engaging with stakeholders to move things towards the end goal – keep reading.

We offer

Joining Maersk T&L will embark you on a great journey with career development in a global organisation. As Enterprise Integration Architect, you will gain broad business knowledge of the company’s activities globally, as well as understand how the complexity of IT supports the transport and logistics business.

You will be exposed to a wide and challenging range of business issues through regular engagement with key stakeholders across all management levels within Maersk. 

You will work and communicate across geographical and cultural borders that will enable you to build a strong professional network. We believe people thrive when they are in charge of their career paths and professional growth. We will provide you with opportunities to broaden your knowledge and strengthen your technical and professional foundation.

We aim to be a world-class professional IT organisation that delivers business value through automation, standardisation and innovation. We believe in empowerment where each of us takes ownership and responsibility for developing and implementing new ways of working.

Key responsibilities

Reporting to the Head of Mobile, you will serve as a Senior Java Developer within Maersk Transport & Logistics IT. You will be responsible for our overall Java Development in terms of understanding the current and envisioning the future.

To be a successful leader at Maersk, you must be passionate about building and sustaining our business, as well as inspiring and developing our people. As a leader within IT, this is your primary responsibility even in our matrix organisation structure.

Further, in this role:

• You have 7 years of extensive Java development experience at a Senior level developing/designing most complex high-performance Java enterprise applications
• If you’ve worked on any MEAP tools like IBM-MFP or similar you already have 50% chances of securing this role
• You have end to end Java development: including analysis, development, testing, build, deployment and third line support
• You’ve ability in balancing fast time to market (to the end users) with proper governance, compliance, and audit mandates
• You have experience of transactional systems, Multithreading, or low latency or a passion for this to excel and constantly challenge yourself will be a great add
• You show that you care about your code with metrics, performance, and operational aspects
• You have great understanding of design patterns, design principles, micro services, SOA architecture
• You have a Devops mentality and will leave no stone unturned when it comes to test automation, continuous integration and continuous delivery
• You can prove that you’re a pro at Java/JEE/Spring/Hibernate/SQL/NoSQL
• You have experience in integrating your applications with other applications through different ways like REST/SOAP and transform into meaningful API’s to your consumers
• You'll thrive in a fast paced, rapidly changing and delivery focused environment
• You are an evangelist for best practice in design, development, self-documentation and test
• You pride yourself on always being up to date with the latest frameworks and design paradigms and try to implement or bring them to life in the projects that you work on
• Your communication skills will lead your engagement with the team and wider tech community located in different countries
• You'll be able to estimate your work and commit to deliveries within an Agile development framework
• You can quickly run POC's to demonstrate ideas from you or anyone in the team to take it up with senior stakeholders for further analysis
• You are inquisitive by nature, you'll be enthusiastic about technology, creative and tenacious in your approach of problem solving
• You don't leave things to chance: you write robust, defensible code and you really believe in the benefits of writing tests and high code coverage
• You will help make ground breaking discoveries and be able to take decisions based on your experience

We are looking for

We would like to hear from you if you can demonstrate Expertise and technical skills (At least 7 years) in the following:

• Java8, JEE, Spring, Spring boot, JPA Hibernate
• SQL – Oracle or similar
• Build – Ant/Maven/Gradle
• Build applications that can product and consume REST and SOAP services
• GIT/SVN/Jenkins/Selenium/Eclipse/IntelliJ Idea/Ubuntu/Linux/JMS

In addition, below are the desirable skills:
• IBM MFP or similar MEAP products (A big plus if you’ve any experience on this)
• Android or Hybrid development
• Experience Working on middleware transformation platforms
• No SQL – Cassandra, Mongo or similar
• Cloud based solutions like Azure/AWS or similar
• Selenium or any automation testing suite

numberOfPosts: 1


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positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: MAERSK LINE A/S

source: DK-STAR


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