Arbejde Platform Asset Manager unspecified Vattenfall A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4898960
documentId: 4898960
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1541071265893
stillingsbetegnelse: Platform Asset Manager
Vattenfall operates an increasing fleet of wind assets in five countries with highly ambitious targets to grow the portfolio. The Asset Management team in Business Unit Onshore takes the owner perspective of the Onshore portfolio and individual assets to ensure that BA Wind optimises the life time profitability of our Onshore Windfarms. This means long term value creation by developing knowledge and balancing costs, risks and performance drivers. This applies to the existing Onshore portfolio of approximately 600 wind turbines (1,2GW), but also the integration of new assets (which are currently under development or construction) into the portfolio.
Vattenfall is now looking for the right person to fill the position of Platform Asset Manager. The role reports to the Head of Asset Management Onshore.
Overall purpose of the role
As a Platform Asset Manager you will be the central point of decision making for continuous improvement related to our portfolio with wind turbines within the technical platform types Siemens D3 and Nordex Delta. Vattenfall’s Wind Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Strategy assumes taking full control over the O&M process for these platforms, which requires a strong internal organisation and central decision making. The Platform Asset Manager is a key person in this and ensures that ‘Best-for-Vattenfall’ decisions are taken by balancing input from various internal and external sources to come to the right decisions. The approach should ultimately lead to improved performance and lower O&M costs for the particular platforms. The O&M Strategy has recently been adopted and is part of a larger improvement program. It is expected that the person recruited into the Platform Asset Manager role will lead establishment of the Platform Management function and the related processes.
Main tasks & responsibilities
- Closely monitor the risks, performance and costs of the Siemens D3 and Nordex Delta wind turbine fleet and initiate improvement activities.
- Take ‘Best-for-Vattenfall’ decisions related to these platforms within the companies mandate framework. These are often decisions where risk-reward analyses are required. For example: improvement of annual maintenance programme, investments in upgrades or modifications, resolution of asset integrity issues.
- Maintain an overview of all commercial, regulatory, Health & Safety and technical issues regarding the technical platforms.
- Create and maintain a network organization/virtual team with Vattenfall colleagues and relevant external sources which are working closely with the platforms. This includes for example Technical Engineering, Local O&M site teams, OEMs, O&M support.
- Ensure ‘closing of the loop’ by translating Lessons Learned from the existing assets to relevant assumptions and requirements for development projects.
- As Platform Management will be established as part of a wider O&M change program, the role needs to be established. It is expected that the person who will start in this role will further define the Platform Management function and the associated processes. This will be done for both Onshore and Offshore assets. After 12-18 months, the Platform Asset Manager will drive the established process for the onshore assets.
Your profile
- You have a Bachelor degree in industrial engineering, mechanical engineering or similar.
- 6-8 years of relevant work experience within functions as Asset Management, Category Management, Product Management, preferably within Wind Power generation.
- Knowledge of the technical turbine platform(s) Siemens D3 and/or Nordex Delta is preferred, but not a must-have.
- Able to understand technical issues, but also well-developed commercial sense is required.
- Drive for improvement rather than maintaining the status quo.
- Ability to build business cases with risk-reward analyses for conscious decision making. In case of decisions with higher impact on value, able to prepare for management decision making with the right decision documents.
- Strong in project management, which means ready to take a central role. Willing to pro-actively reach out to others and actively listen to various inputs.Command of English is strong, both verbally and written.
Our offer
Good remuneration, a challenging and international work environment, with many opportunities for personal development. You will get the chance to build up this new function within the Asset Management department of Onshore Wind. You will be working in multi-disciplinary teams and you can always count on support from committed colleagues. We offer flexibility and respect for your work-life balance.
The location of this position can be either Amsterdam, Esbjerg/Kolding, London or Stockholm. Regular business trips are required.
More information
We welcome your application in English, including CV and cover letter via the application button at this page. Last day to apply is November, 14th. First interview round will take place on November, 22th in Amsterdam or via Videocall.
We kindly request that you do not send applications by any means other than via our website as we cannot guarantee that we will be able to process applications that are not made via our website.
For more information about the position you are welcome to contact Mark Pruissen, Head of Asset Management Onshore, +31 6 46360964 .
For more information about the recruitment process you can contact Marlies van Heymbeeck, Recruiter, +31 6 15604138.
At Vattenfall we are convinced that diversity contributes to build a more profitable and attractive company and we strive to be good role model regarding diversity. Vattenfall works actively for all employees to have the same opportunities and rights regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, transgender identity or expression, religion or other belief, disability or sexual orientation.
Our organization
Energy is our contribution to quality of life – day after day. With around 20,000 colleagues Vattenfall provides comprehensive electricity and heating offerings to several million customers in northern Europe. For the work ahead we need people who are fully dedicated to our customers and to a sustainable society – people like you.
Business Area Wind is responsible for Vattenfall’s Onshore and Offshore Wind as well as other non-hydro Renewable activities like solar PV and batteries. Today we develop, construct and operate wind generation in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK. In addition, we have a clear strategy to develop our solar PV and battery operations further.
We look forward to your application!
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Vattenfall A/S
source: DK-STAR
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