Arbejde Clinical Trial Administrator unspecified Novo Nordisk A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkyNDk5OSA3

reference: 4924999

documentId: 4924999

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1546517285200

stillingsbetegnelse: Clinical Trial Administrator


Clinical Trial Administrator

Do you have the experience and the skills to provide excellent support for a dedicated team driving clinical activities in an international setting? Are you just as good at handling documents as you are handling stakeholders across professions, geography and cultures? Clinical Pharmacology is looking for a Clinical Trial Administrator to join one of our departments.


About the department

In Global Development, we are responsible for managing clinical drug development worldwide from early development phases to product introduction. We ensure medical and scientific documentation for clinical submissions and authorities while ensuring that the process lives up to uniform global standards, regulations and business ethics. We work in global project teams with focus on delivering viable products that make a difference to patients and ultimately benefit society.


Clinical Pharmacology is part of Global Development and our main responsibility is planning, execution, and reporting of clinical pharmacology trials. We are a dedicated team who believe that results are best made together and we look forward to welcome you in our team.


The position

As Clinical Trial Administrator, you will be an essential member of the Trial Management team, supporting the Clinical Pharmacology Scientist in all relevant aspects of trial preparation, trial conduct, documentation, and archiving. You will be responsible for setting-up and maintaining the trial master file and ensuring electronic filing of documents, and these are two very important aspects of your job.


Furthermore, you will be highly involved in outsourcing processes, trial budgets and you will assist in updating clinical documents such as protocol and protocol amendments, and may be involved in the preparation of monitoring guidelines, laboratory manuals, and enrolment updates. All activities are carried out in close coordination and collaboration with the trial responsible Clinical Pharmacology Scientist. Finally, you will support meeting planning and you will be collaborating with both internal and external stakeholders worldwide.


The position is based in Søborg, Denmark.



You preferably have an education as Registered Nurse, Laboratory Technician, or similar, and are experienced in the planning and execution of clinical trials.


You are reliable, loyal and service-minded. You enjoy working with tight deadlines and master good coordination skills. You have solid IT skills (Microsoft Office is a must) and enjoy working with documents. You work in a structured manner and have a good sense for details. It is essential that you work independently but also as a team player who thrives on contributing to any team you are part of. You have the ability and willingness to adjust quickly to new situations in a continuously developing environment. You are proficient in both written and spoken English.


Working at Novo Nordisk

At Novo Nordisk, your skills, dedication and ambition help us change lives for the better. In exchange, we offer you an opportunity to work with extraordinary talent and benefit from a range of possibilities for professional and personal development.



For further information, please contact Britta Bysted at +45 3079 7842.



11 January 2019


Millions rely on us
To work for Novo Nordisk you will need the skills, dedication and ambition to change lives for the better for millions of patients living with diabetes and other chronical diseases. In exchange, we offer the chance to be part of a truly global workplace, where passion and engagement are met with opportunities for professional and personal development.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Novo Nordisk A/S

source: DK-STAR


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