Arbejde Chief Technology Officer unspecified Shoreline ApS - jobtilbud
reference: 4864060
documentId: 4864060
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1534232056780
stillingsbetegnelse: Chief Technology Officer
We're expanding our executive team and we’re looking for a CTO to lead our amazing product development teams
About Shoreline
We’re a venture-backed enterprise SaaS company providing an asset development and management platform to renewable energy industries. Shoreline’s mission is to build broad partnerships with our customers in renewable energy; developing products around our intelligent simulation technology that help them solve their most significant problems.
Our customers are well represented throughout the entire value chain and comprise market-leading project developers and operators, OEMs, financial institutes, marine contractors, vessel operators and consultants located worldwide.
Our extensive industry domain knowledge and our unique simulation technology and data platform enable our customers to gain valuable operational insight and predictability, in all phases of the life cycle of a renewable energy plant.
About the Position
We’re looking for a Chief Technology Officer to lead our product development and engineering department across our locations. We have a multi-cultural team of software developers, testers and product managers across multiple locations that need an entrepreneurial minded and experienced leader to ensure our product and business strategies are executed successfully by the team.
As the CTO you will be one of the main pillars of our organization, working closely with sales, marketing, customer success and product development. Having an analytic mindset and basing strategy decisions on qualitative and quantitative data is paramount. You must also have the ability and drive to work on the operational, tactical and strategic level.
What you will do
- Make Shoreline’s vision and strategy your own and reflect that in our product strategies.
- Your primary responsibility is to make sure our product development teams can take our current products to the next step and new ideas to commercialization. You will share responsibility for Shoreline’s growth targets.
- Overall responsible for the timely delivery of solutions to our customers.
- Positively challenge our engineers, designers and product managers to innovate and deliver stellar products that deliver customer and business value.
- Monitor and measure the product development department to ensure continuous improvement.
- Drive our teams to set objectives and key results that can be measured and acted upon efficiently.
- Dare to challenge the status quo and be creative.
- Monitor the competitive situation around our platform to keep Shoreline on edge.
- Be responsible for the intellectual property strategy in Shoreline.
- Experience as a leader in product development organizations
- Great technical understanding
- Experience in developing enterprise SaaS products
- Structured, analytic and agile mindset
- Enjoy developing people
- A natural leader
- Curious and humble
- Client facing experience
- You never hesitate to roll up your sleeves and tackle something hands-on, you persevere when others fall away
- Fluent spoken and written English
What we offer
- The opportunity to become a member of a fast-growing and venture-backed company with a tremendous global potential, where your contribution will make a significant difference.
- An international work environment, with a team of knowledgeable and dedicated people that together create amazing services and software for our customers.
- A results-only work environment focused on empowerment and autonomy.
- The opportunity to work on the latest technology and frameworks.
- Remuneration package is matching your qualifications and market conditions.
- Team buildings and conference attendance to keep your mind fresh and innovative
- Work location will be split between our two product development locations Stavanger, Norway and Esbjerg, Denmark.
For further information, please contact CEO Ole-Erik Endrerud at endrerud (at) or +47 473 78 157
Please send your application as soon as possible to applications (at) marked “CTO”
numberOfPosts: 1
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positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Shoreline ApS
source: DK-STAR
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