Arbejde Business Analyst with strong communication skills unspecified LEO PHARMA A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDk1MjIzOCA3

reference: 4952238

documentId: 4952238

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1551424941053

stillingsbetegnelse: Business Analyst with strong communication skills


Can you provide data and recommendations to support business critical decisions?

If you bring a good combination of business and data understanding and you are looking for a job with major impact and influence, this is it. As Business Analyst in Global Quality you will become trusted advisor to managers across the international quality organisation in an outgoing and highly visible role. Your personal efforts will improve business critical decision-making and strengthen Global Quality’s brand in the LEO Pharma organisation.

Communication, data handling, analyses, advisory

Your overall focus is to improve the communication through replacement of old and partly aligned systems and tools with a new global standard for measuring and reporting of Quality messages – with Power BI as a key tool. You will provide the top management in Global Quality with data and fact-based insights on projects, KPI’s and the like. Additionally, you will help managers to understand root causes for errors during production and related. Your primary tasks will be to:

  • Develop presentations and other communication materials
  • Identify business needs for metrics and reports 
  • Further develop, design and implement new Power BI solutions
  • Monitor, collect and analyse data from multiple sources
  • Generate reports with your conclusions and recommendations 
  • Develop and implement dashboards to highlight key data/numbers

A vital part of your road to success will be founded on your ability to deliver your analyses and recommendations in an easy understandable way while addressing potential risks and data quality issues communication will be a focal point in almost everything you do.

Well founded analyst with good communication skills

You have a university degree in Business Administration, Statistics or similar providing you with a strong analytical foundation. You can be newly graduated or more experienced, as long as you have the drive and energy to take on a driving role. You are capable of turning big data set into tangible knowledge by advanced use of Excel, PowerPoint and Power BI. Additionally, you have the communication skills needed to present your results in clear-cut presentations that use visualisations, modelling and the like (in English).

On the personal level you must thrive in an outgoing role where you have a close interaction with multiple colleagues across the business. As such, you will need an open-minded approach towards people with very different cultural and professional backgrounds and the ability to adjust your communication to fit your audience.

Your new team

You will join 14 highly dedicated colleagues in the Document Management & Training team at the LEO Pharma HQ in Ballerup, Greater Copenhagen. We work in an informal and open environment with room for the individual. We are known for the positive and good atmosphere in the team, and we are sure that you will feel the same, when you get on board.

We look forward to receiving your application.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEO PHARMA A/S

source: DK-STAR


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