Arbejde Senior Consultant for Talent Operations Northern Europe – 18 months temporary position unspecified LEGO SYSTEM A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4918851
documentId: 4918851
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1544796980340
Senior Consultant for Talent Operations Northern Europe – 18 months temporary position
Senior Consultant for Talent Operations Northern Europe – 18 months temporary position
Do you want to help the Talent team at The LEGO Group to find more talent? Are you passionate about understanding the candidate market, source and select the talent that is key to business success?Join our Talent Operations team in Billund for this exciting temporary opportunity to become our new Senior Consultant where your focus will be on end to end recruitment across our business value chain.
This role resides in our Talent function in The LEGO Group’s People, Operations & Development (PO&D) organization. As our new colleague, you will become a member of the Talent Operations NEU team, consisting of 11 permanent team members and depending on recruitment demand a handful of temporary colleagues. The team delivers both on our Talent Acquisition tasks and ambitions as well as supporting a variety of Learning and Development activities in our region. This role will contribute to our ambitious talent acquisition agenda driving end to end recruitment activities. Your focus will be to support roles based in Billund, but you’ll work in a global environment with hiring managers and colleagues from across the globe. While you will be expected to support all kind of roles across our business value chain, we have significant peaks in recruitment of talent for engineering, technology and digital areas, where understanding how to proactively source for talent is key.
You’ll be responsible for:
• Building strong partnerships with leaders and people partners to understand and support business area needs in relation to recruitment activities
• Ensuring a high-quality end to end recruitment process in the Northern Europe region
• Define an appropriate recruitment strategy and facilitate effective source and selection activities to hire for The LEGO Group’s culture fit, values and future potential
• Being the face of The LEGO Group as an employer brand by ensuring a great candidate experience
• Participate in local employer branding activities
• Contribute to local induction for new joiners and successfully onboarding new hires through ensuring hiring leaders know their onboarding responsibilities
• Contributing to various global and regional task forces to e.g. develop new processes, change our ways of working or deliver specific recruitment interventions.
Do you have what it takes?
• +5 years of HR experience within the field of talent acquisition in international companies
• Strong track record on source and selection preferably with experience in the engineering, technology and digital space
• Excellent understanding of and natural flair for assessing and understanding people preferences and dynamics
• Strong business understanding and acumen to enable business relevant impact
• Comfortable and capable in providing sparring to leaders at all levels and to engage with stakeholders at various levels
• Self-driven personality with can-do-attitude and strong collaborative and result orientated mindset
• Ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment and work on multiple roles and initiatives in parallel
• Known to be structured, organized, and able to prioritize workload and stay on top things
• English at advanced level
Be trusted to unfold your potential in a supportive and collaborative culture
At The LEGO Group we are all about using creativity to inspire and develop millions of children across the globe. In this role you will get to apply and internalize our purpose and value as a company to make sure learning, creativity and quality are beacons for our work with talent acquisition.
You will be trusted to make decisions, do what’s right and get things done to the highest possible quality, make the most of your skills and fulfill your potential. This role gives a unique opportunity to make a true impact in a global and purpose-driven company where talent acquisition and development truly matter.
Join the global LEGO® family!
In The LEGO Group we succeed together, and you will be part of a global family where you can use your creativity and work in a supportive, collaborative environment in the context of a family-owned company that is passionate about the impact of play. We look very much forward to reading your application - please use the APPLY NOW button above or below and remember to attach a current CV in English. Applications will be screened on an on-going basis – interviews expected to be held in week 3.
Bringing it to Life
“The LEGO Group is a great and exciting place to work and part of what makes us unique is that values are not just something we write on a poster it is something we live every day. Your daily work is about sourcing and selecting our future colleagues, so understanding our culture and understanding how to undercover a culture fit during the processes, is your most important impact”
says Vinnie Kuld Jensen, Head of Talent Operations Billund
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEGO SYSTEM A/S
source: DK-STAR
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